It’s the only rocky beach in America where all the rocks look like they came out of an aquarium supply store except the bigs ones you can sit on!
You tell us. Didn’t you click on this story, too?
The moment someone starts talking about how women and men are genetically wired to do different things, you know that they’re not for equality.
I love that his post about feminism ruining everything effectively ruined his career. That’s some pretty instant karma.
There are different versions of that story, his is she wouldn’t leave him alone. Hers is she turned him down for sex after they’d been friends for about a year. Regardless he still called her some pretty heinous shit which is verified. Best policy for the male-folk like me seems to be just don’t call girls gross…
Yeesh. Closest I’ve ever come to that sort of thing was a wrong number. Guy kept calling in the middle of the night. Drunk, I think. Over and over and over again. But since I kept my phone off and on the charger in the kitchen overnight, I never caught the calls. Phone didn’t record the numbers either; this was my…
Oh my, that mom is in so much denial about her “sweet, awkward” son. In my school system, he would be given a safety transfer to another school.
I’ve got a son and have been attacked by a stalker. You better believe we’re having this talk.
Yeah, I mean, he’s the real victim here, right? Had his whole life ahead of him. Such potential.
Yikes indeed but I was in a city with some family members so I had a good support system.
That letter made me cringe, and it gave me a good idea where this kid got his entitled behavior from; I’m glad Prudence put the smack down on the mother’s enabling. “Well he only called and texted her a thousand times, I don’t think she was clear enough in telling my poor sweet boy that she wasn’t interested.”
I also feel like schools should be required to teach children about domestic violence and how to deal with it (the signs, the patterns, how to get help) as early as Junior High School.
I mean, he played Peter Gabriel while holding up a boombox and that didn’t work. What’s a guy supposed to do?
What a sad and unnecessary outcome. Clearly I'm preaching to the choir but gun control. We need gun control.
I can attest to this. They do NOT prosecute at the same rate as civilians.
Baloney. Two of my brothers are military and my bf is a retired career Naval officer from a military family. All three of them will tell you the military’s record on rape is a disgrace.
I think kids deserve a second chance, but offering them the military or jail is unacceptable. There’s no choice there. A second chance is about rehabilitation and decreasing recidivism. It should not manifest as what is basically tantamount to forced conscription.
If he got to at least three victims in a country aa well-organized as the US can you imagine this guy on the loose in a war zone.
She was forced to go pop. When she first signed with Dr. Luke he was producing pop rock songs. But he pushed her down the dance pop route when that became big. She did do some rock songs on her second album. She wanted it to be a full rock album but he wouldn’t allow it. But the album still had some great rockish…