Ginmar Rienne

Oh, they totally know they’re harassing people. I’m a sports writer and get a lot of loonies on social media myself and this type totally know. They’re usually quite proud of it too. These people scare me and I’m a man and all they’re upset about in my case is something trivial like sports. I can’t image how awful it

Without online harassment, what else do the MRA’s have? It’s not like the DO ANYTHING to help men in need.

So are we just waiting for these psychos to actually murder their victims before we do anything or

This is some “I’m sorry you were offended” bullshit.

IKR? The WHOLE POINT of his harassment was to make them fearful and to retaliate against them. Internet harassment, especially of women, has gotten so out of hand, something needs to be done about it.


‘Couldn’t prove they were reasonably fearful’ sounds an awful lot like when a rape victim ‘couldn’t prove she fought back.’ How the hell are you supposed to prove something like that? Other than contacting the police, which they, y’know, did?

I’m so sorry that happened to you. Sending *hugs*

Yep. I was both stalked and date raped in college by separate individuals. Both times I went to the cops. The first time it was “*shrug* he never touched you” and the second was “unless you can trick him into into a confession and get it on tape you have nothing and you were drinking” (a friend who drugged and date

Right?? Also learned that it’s not harassment if they apply it to everyone. So if your harasser tells dirty, creepy jokes to the men AND women in the office, it’s not personal, and therefore not harassment. It’s downgraded to “inappropriate.”

I...just don’t get this at all.

That is some grade A BULLSHIT. It’s like, you’re afraid of him already, so of course you’re going to be afraid to tell him he’s harassing you, and of course he’s going to act belligerently. Argh.

Yes, apparently. And MRA’s are loving this and having a field day over freedom of speech and the first amendment. (Never mind that this didn’t occur in the United States.)

That’s a crock of shit, I agree, and I learned about it the hard way at my job. If you haven’t told your harasser that they are harassing you and should stop, it’s not harassment because they don’t *KNOW* they’re doing it. If you’re too scared to approach them and ask them to stop making sexual or threatening

Who the fuck is pulling these assholes out of the greys? Stop it.

This week, Judge Brent Knazan pointed out that the prosecutors failed to prove that Elliott “knew he was harassing the women, and that they were reasonably fearful from that harassment.”

So are we just waiting for these psychos to actually murder their victims before we do anything or


So you’re a rape apologist. Fantastic. I wonder if you’d be saying the same disgusting shit if it was you who woke up naked from the waist down after visiting Cosby and his “friends”

So how many black women do you want to call liars, how many more black women do you want to allow him to harm?