Ginmar Rienne

Do you mean that you just lay there and did not participate? And your boyfriend just had sex with your inanimate body? And you consider that’s normal?

This. This a million times. “Freeze response” is legitimate and completely ignored, sometimes undermined, by society.

This is why people (rightly) promote the “enthusiastic consent” standard!

I remember teaching this during training at work, and so many of the men just got looks on their faces like "I've done that before."

Hey Duggar!

Duggar is a fuckwad. But I thought that’s how discovery worked?

Yeah, I’m going totally hijack this for David Bowie.

Re: any career path.

There have been rumors going back a number of years about some of his proclivities, which allegedly include touching himself in front of unwilling female non-participants while preventing them leaving the room to not see this happening.

Yeah it was a long time ago. I just always have this vague sketchy feeling everytime i enjoy anything having to do with him. I really hope it’s not true.

Completely stolen from Margaret Atwood and paraphrased quite poorly:

I love this bit so much. He also talks about how a woman’s #1 fear on a date is being murdered, where a dude’s #1 fear is being rejected. Oh, boohoo!

Yeah, it is very different. And I know nothing of this woman aside from this article, but it’s interesting to note she’s only spoken up about this either when he was president and now that Hillary is hoping to be. In no way saying she’s lying, just that maybe that’s why this is getting skeptical coverage as opposed to

She told her then-husband it didn’t happen bc she was married to another man then her current lover, who she did tell. She fundraised for Clinton after it happened “because she was in denial,” even though she allegedly told her friend who had a personal grudge against Bill Clinton. Her lawsuit was dismissed. She

This doesn’t change my vote for Hillary; I’m not gonna ask a woman to cut off her husband based on a stranger’s unconfirmed accusations. I feel very bad for this woman, though. If it’s true, I can’t imagine what she’s going through.

I hate this. I want to believe all alleged victims. However, I had a friend in college who was falsely accused of rape (it was proven he wasn’t in town within a week of date alleged, and the young woman withdrew her allegations and admitted they’d been fabricated), so I know false allegations exist, and Broaddrick’s

Whatever Camille Cosby has done, she didn’t rape forty plus women. Nor did Hillary rape Juanita Broaddrick. Conflating rape and disbelief of accounts of rape gets us exactly nowhere.

It really blows my mind that she didn’t report the rape till 21 years later. I really don’t understand why people take that long to report something so serious like that.