This is par for the course for anyone associated with the everlasting garbage fire that is Sun News.
This is par for the course for anyone associated with the everlasting garbage fire that is Sun News.
What he meant to say was “It wasn’t rape rape.”
It gave me so much life, knowing that even while Harper was Dictator-In-Chief, the courts—many judges of which were personally appointed by Harper himself—had no fucks to give for his unconstitutional bullying bullshit.
And when you read testimony from the victim, there is nothing tryst like in how she felt. And yet, the asshole is defending his use of the word, and insisting it wasn’t rape. No, there is no such thing as rape culture.
Yeah, that sentence is great and needs to be brought over to that other story about the 14 yo that Tyga has been grooming and OK! framing the whole thing as “an affair” or love triangle and noting that the girl “looked much older for her age.” As if that fucking matters at all. But nope, apparently still have a ways…
Any time it comes up (which is sadly pretty often) that no child can consent, and the term you are looking for is “not forced/non violent.” So, my acquaintance that had sex with a 17 year old student of his (that was molested as a child, big surprise he singled her out) did not consent but it was not forced rape.…
There is one, and only one, legal and moral defense for a 29 year-old having sex with a 13 year-old:
Woah, that’s not a normal day. Most people don’t have breakfast.
“Child sexual abuse is not something that happens because a 29-year-old man and a 13-year-old child hit it off,” I’m really glad that Ann Alder made that statement.
Two years.
You know, that average everyday most of us have. Get up, have breakfast, go to work, sexually proposition a Junior High student, lunch, etc
What. The. Fuck. Tony Spears.
former bandmate of Canadian ex-prime minister Stephen Harper
Sadly, he didn’t always have to pay.
Right? And when I responded that I have been raped twice-both by white men, crickets. Because why not understand that violence against women is a thing and we should always look to our ‘own’ before we run off and start blaming another segment of society.
This is something I think about often... I’m a white women and I’m very concerned about violence against women. I’m also concerned with racist images of black men that make them more likely to be seen as violent criminals and thus victims of violence. And I don’t really know how to reconcile those two things because…
A handful of writers on this very site, in fact!
Thats a really popular opinion around here too, and to say otherwise makes you racist apparently (to some).
there were other witnesses who saw them there
Maybe pick another website if you’re going to judge a woman on her looks or her choices about her looks.