Ginmar Rienne

I was in combat. Unless you’re doing mountain ops in Afghanistan there’s NO physical conponent to combat. I was also the SAW/turret gunner on occasion. We ran from house to house shooting, but it wasn’t exactly a test of PHYSICAL endurance. These guys always talk like it’s all 11B. In Iraq, ANYTHING could turn into a

I LOVE it when guys do this. The APFT also makes allowances for age. That’s unfair, too, let’s get rid of that, too. Oh, wait....l

Yeah, I was in combat. You know what I found? Training makes a difference. One of our GUYS was so fearful he wanted to jump in the river to get away.

Yeah, the rumblings come from guys who want to keep their clubhouse woman-free.

Oh, look, it’s the classic “weak wimmens will get the men killed!”thanks to social experiments troll, venturing off from his natural habitat, Trump’s fan club.

Yeah, bad choice. Fire departments are set up to keep women and black men out. You don’t NEED to carry people down stairs slicked with water while trying to see through smoke.

There's not. In fact, it's the opposite. These guys WANT women to flunk, so they'll be looking for excuses. The women won't give them any.

Yeah, bullshit. I was in the Army 20 years, and all this paranoia about “lower standards” is bullshit. A lot of these women are going to go out of their way to excell while dudes will be looking for excuses to dump them. Meanwhile, our supply NCO did a 10k ruck march while five months pregnant.

Cheating on their fucking wives? Please. I went through AIT and one day, one weekend, in civvies, I noticed a senior NCO eyeing me. Didn’t think anything of it.

That's funny, because it's the EXACT SAME sexist ahit that American douchebros say.

Don’t think it’s an accident, either. We have such low standards for men that any guy who’s sort of human to women gets canonized. And dudes benefit from the behavior of scumbags like this. Women wouldn't be as "nice" if so many guys didn't get away with this stuff.

Yeah, you know who did that briefing for my unit? The guy who'd been bounced from unit to unit for sexual harassment. He declared once that all claims of rape by black women were lies "because who'd want to rape them?"

Don’t read the comments. Any book on Amazon about rape that isn’t “Bitches 100% lie about rape lol” is attacked by angry MRAs who reject any fact they don't like with, "Bitches 100% lie."

It's not a rumor; there's been several attempts to duplicate the landing as noted in other comments and no one has pulled it off.

You know, for a guy who accomplished that, to take the time to be so thoughtful....

Thank you for that link. Youtube is a time sink. There's some amazing resources there.

He's an incredible hero to me. NTSB investigators tried to duplicate the landing on the simulator and concluded that it simply was not possible.

Yeah, it suggested more than that. Remember the highly-significant way he flipped that little switch?

Yeah, you know what growing up actually is? Not being a smug asshole to people who obviously aren't as cool as you.

I guess you're missing that only women were treated this way.