This is what it's like for women. A white guy murders a kid in cold blood, gets acquitted. A woman doesn't even hurt a man in genuine self defense and....she gets threatened with life long incarceration for the crime of being uppity.
This is what it's like for women. A white guy murders a kid in cold blood, gets acquitted. A woman doesn't even hurt a man in genuine self defense and....she gets threatened with life long incarceration for the crime of being uppity.
He went to Eton and Cambridge as well and got a double first in classics at the latter.
Oh, honey, really? What are you, 12? Take your "BWATM?!" bullshit back to reddit, where white man whining is the order of the day.
Oh, honey, really? What are you, 12? Take your "BWATM?!" bullshit back to reddit, where white man whining is the order of the day.
Yeah, no. No reputable research has found this. What research HAS found, however, is that MRAs will make up the most incredible shit.
Boy, talk about illustrating the premise.
.....says MRA dewd.
Nothing like a dewd constantly defending another dewd who beats up women.
So let me get this straight. You cannot cover Chris Brown's abusive, angry, violent ass without mentioning white dewdz until some kind of parity is reached?
I do not need to consider what theBiebster's orgasm face looks like, thanks.
Clarification meaning claiming she's not actually a victim?
Move an unconscious person and they make noise.
Second question: "Hey, what if they're BOTH drunk, hurr? Hah, observe my cleverness, originality, and exceptionally large internet penis."
Oh, dear, what a cutie. If you crate her, what does she do?
I tell them my mother just got murdered.
Holy shit, that's an understatement. Rape culture, where guys are so eager to blame women that anything can justify a sexual attack.
How do you like it? I was shocked that it worked so well the way he did it. And I LOVED Clark Greggson as Leonato. I want him to adopt me.
He's gotta be a serial killer.
What's the story there?