Ginmar Rienne

When the guy who murdered Dr. Tiller was caught, the phone number of Cheryl Sullenger——convicted on a bimb conspiracy charge——was observed in plain sight in his car.

He's got those puppy dog eyebrows.

When they caught the guy who killed Tiller, the number of an anti-abortion freak who was a convicted bombing conspiracist was found in his car. This scumbag is quite friendly with her, greeting her with hugs during one of his previous trials.

Yeah, I got that, too. Good for her! Unless she's, as you say, shallow.

To them, it's not murder if it's committed in the 248th trimester.

Not to pay any attention to assholes like you. That would be a good start.

They get off on the non consent factor.

I keep calling him CumberPatch, which makes him sound like something out of Beatrix Potter. I bet there's a fluffy bunny tail under that coat.

This guy differs from the Taliban only because he wears a suit, has an education, and doesn't advocate stoning sluts. So far. What would he be like in a more misogynist society?

Don't bother with dude down below. He's been trolling rape threads to opine that rapists are either nuts or accidental, and now I see he's taken a perch here with a hypothetical.

Yeah, whatever, you win the sensitivity police award

Look, kids! A brand new account with just ONE comment!

Look at all the trolls who endlessly argue and whine about how mean we are to rapists.

Bullshit excuses pretty much describes our guy here. Holy cow.

No, your point is we're not allowed to get sarcastic with this awful creature.

He's making threats now because he wants to shut me up for pointing out how he uses EXACTLY the same tactics that David Lisak's rapists did. He hates synonyms and paraphrasing: only his opinion and comments are allowed.

Her daughters DON'T have options and choices, thanks to her, and she wants to strip ALL women of the same things. I'm not going to waste my precious time on this Serena Joy.

Check out his other replies. His views of women are beyond hateful.

HAHAHAHAHA!! YOU accusing someone of being a rape apologist!!

And right there is the proof. You couldn't even go a single post without letting your utter hatred of women come through. Plowed into incoherence? Be safe from any and all crime? Absolved from responsibility? Go back to those other woman-hating losers you hang with.