Ginmar Rienne

Booze doesn't make you do anything you wouldn't do sober. She's deluded. And incredibly smarmy.

How about Cumberbum?

Hee. He looks very mischievous there. I like it that he so seldom tries to do the sex symbol thing. So adorkable.

That's not him. This is him from about the same time period:

I don't have a puppy but here's a picture of naked Benedict Cumberbatch in a bathtub.

Cute puppies and more Tom Hiddleston, please. There's a story on Gawker about a rape that took place in public and was PHOTOGRAPHED and I want to destroy things....

Is he even in that?

Oh, sweetie, isn't there a class in remedial trolling that you can take?

Just dismiss this trolling asshole.

Nope. Get his version of "May I Feel?" by ee cummings. It's so deliciously filthy.

I saw a bit where he did an impersonation of the horse in "War Horse" and he burst into giggles. Even better is the one where he gets teased about his love for Chili's and he gets all flustered and covers his face with embarrassment.

He was in "Midnight in Paris", "Avengers", "War Horse", "Return to Cranford" (and looking stunning because he'd gained 20 pounds of muscle to audition for "Thor"), and "Wallander."

He did "The Hollow Crown" for the BBC: Richard II, Henry 4 part 1, Henry 4 part 2, and Henry V, in which he played Hal and then Harry. He actually has some interesting flicks on his CV.

"So you don't care about this, you must be a rapist." Ah. There you go. It takes real talent to shove your head so far up your ass it crowns at your tonsils. Good riddance then.

I'd buy them plane tickets right now if they needed them to get started.

I think you hit it on the head there. I think they're saying to all and sundry that they're untouchable.

They're trolling.

Sometimes it's the only apropriate word you can use.

Well, you know, it's okay for her and other Republican women because they're not sluts like the rest of us.

So you're not addressing anything I said, just attacking? Good information to have.