I see what you did there.
I see what you did there.
Bored now. You're done, troll.
Ooooh, another minimizer. I guess we're going to forget the way reddit's most powerful mods supported and enabled defenders of creepshits, huh? Because when TPTB suport and defend something, it's revealed that it IS very important to them. And to the site.
God, if I had a nickel for every time a dude acted like I was subtle, I'd be a fucking millionaire. You just admitted you were condescending. You were. You condescendingly lumped Westerners all together before explaining how redditors are totally special and unique snowflakes. How hard is that to parse out?
You're trolling and you're bad at it. Go away.
Wow, you're REALLY defensive about this. I never said "mansplain" but there you are, hurling that accusation as quickly as any—-well, any redditor.
Ah, a guy who denies sexism: the first and last resort of bros.
My point? You sure do love to talk down to the little ladies but you can't stand it when somebody points out the glaring problems in your little lectures.
So it's okay to generalize about Westerners but not Redditors?
Well that explains why dewdz like her. Seems like she's aiming her charms at men and does care about women.
If he's taking advantage of her utter inexperience to manipulate her into stuff without giving her a real opportunity to refuse——-which some argue is what is offered by true BDSM——then yeah. As it is, he's just plain abusive and exploitive.
You've dismissed it out of hand in favor of false equivalency. Old tactic, old problem.
Are men who politely decline attacked in racist and sexist terms? You keep elliding that crucial element.
Go away, MRA troll. Shoo.
Historically, women have been shoved into the role of caretaker, doing everything for free, for others. There's also a lot of resentment against women who dare to value themselves as worthy of respect and compensation. This is just more of the same. Men might be getting a taste of the same treatment temporarily but…
Werewolves. And how much I hate romance
novel tropes. The heroine is not particularly good looking or skinny and suggestions that she conform to standards for both those items are met with: "Bite me." The werewolves are supposed to be scary as fuck, too. Forget those sparky type werewolves.
Benedict Cumberbatch is trying to break the internet, as shown by his answer to one particular question:
I've read before that the noncon stuff is romance is to allow the heroine and the reader to enjoy the sex, because the taboo is so strong against women being sexual creatures. If that's true, we're actually moving backward, because this stuff is so blatant.
Suicide bombers follow certain procedures before they go out on a mission. Also, there's at least four places in an airport that a suicide bomber could attack if they were acting like a real life terrorist instead of a movie terrorist, if the goal was practical disruption.
Anita Bryant's retired, right?