Free orange juice?
Free orange juice?
I'm experiencing some improvement in the worst of my PTSD symptoms. I'm finishing a promising novel and looking at tiny little cottages in France.
Some opinions are informed. You just want to justify intrusive security measures based on speculation and might-have-beens.
It's an utter waste of time. I hate that so I watch for it. Were you the person who called him out on his use of a TWENTY-YEAR-OLD study?
That's so stupid that you have to be trolling. Good bye.
I'm working on it, believe me. PTSD destroys your creativity. It was the hallucinations that kept me from writing. But, yeah, the combination of domineering stalker heroes, the toxic online trolling of women, the return of the doormat Mary Sue heroine paints a real interesting picture of what we train boys and girls…
I love his protests! They're just cracking me up at this point.
You should dismiss his replies. He's usually more overtly MRAish, but in a pinch he'll support any kind of authorian wet dream or bullying. He loves the kind of bullying where you punch down.
We don't know how many fairy princesses lost their boarding passes either. Speculating on something that might have happened without any suggestion of evidence is a waste of time.
Because I'm sure he wears a sign so he can be easily identified as such.
Facts are like silver bullets to these trolls.
He is a troll. He just called me a babykiller because I'm in the service. And he's part of a harassment community.
He's a longtime troll.
He's a troll. And he's harassed me before and elsewhere.
Aw, look at the misogynist troll, using bigots to justify hatred. SFD is composed of the sort of assholes whose ideals exist only when they're not exposed to reality. I really love the hypocrisy of the one-way trigger warnings, the one-way sisterhood, and especially the way they let trolls harass people they claim to…
And this would be after they ran out of other successful methods——which they have not tried here yet at all.
He's a troll. He just called me a babykiller because I was a soldier.
I rest my case. You're done, asshole.
Yeah, we can add this to "list of shit MRAs ignore when they whine about false rape accusations. "
Yeah, I hate the new trope of werewolf-as-boyfriend. It's the worst of all possible worlds. Boyfriend basically gets homicidal PMS once a month? Having to worry not just about, say, human STDs, but rabies as well? Crabs AND fleas?Nope.