God, this is moronic, even for you.
God, this is moronic, even for you.
He's a long time troll.
But we DO know these assholes have failed security checks and letbthrough people who passengers then had to beat into submussion. And if you think the TSA wouldn't crow to the heavens when they finally managed to catch somebody other than their own shifty employees.....
I'm afraid I have to dash those hopes. I basically hot told, "Women aren't in combat, you must be lying." It took ten years of my life, three senators, two governors, three lawyers—-one of whom quit because she felt it was a losing case——countless vets' organizations, and four suicide attempts, but I eventually won.…
Heh. I actually wrote erotica for a while after I got so damned disgusted with romantic novel bullshit. I've got a 3/4 finished werewolf novel ——REAL werewolves——where the heroine narrates sarcastically and unabashedly loves cooking, snark, and drooling over the hero——who is a librarian.
The heroine's so immature and inexperienced she refers to her genitalia as "down there. " Every time they have sex it's like he's invading Australia.
When my company came back from Iraq a general ordered a bunch of colonels to guard the incredible number of firearms we'd carried with us and the rest of us were loosed to stretch our legs. Some people didn't bother to leave their sidearm holsters behind on what was, at the moment, the World's Most Heavily -Armed and…
So you're just going to let the guys be the way they are and blame women? If enough people like you let these guys off the hook soon there will be NO other kind of guy to date.
So you blame the mother, instead of the guy who actually committed the assault? Classic.
Except in "Terminator" Sarah Connor's big role is being a mom. And having a tragic romance. "Alien" is pretty good because it's not directed by James Cameron, who subsequently turned Sarah Connor's body into a characture of an imitation male body, and who gave Ripley strength only because she was a surrogate mom who'd…
Yeah, dude, because women have for centuries had complete and utter control over mens' lives, bodies, and franchisement. Suuuuuure, dude.
My mom was ethnically Jewish, but never knew it. The family absolutely would not discuss it at all. We had a "mulatto" great grandfather, too, which horrifies some relatives. I don't get that at all. I find it fascinating.
Troll in the dungeon! Or in the grays.
I am about to fall over from tiredness, but I forgot to put in the most important fact: the woman with the long black hair was my great-grandmother.
You're a great example of how dewdz excuse sexism and perpetuate it. If the "world wasn't fair" to dewdz like this, you'd scream to heaven for revenge. When it's women, dewdz just shrug it off
Damn. Twirly mustache and all? He's not even trying to hide it any more.
My mom's nephews were in Alsace, looking for remnants of the family, when they stumbled over Dad's family's village, just thirty miles away. The villagers seemed to relish telling the story of how a Nazi officer dragged a Romani woman from her house by her long black hair wrapped around his fist. Other soldiers ripped…
It presents male victims with the unique opportunity to identify as predator or prey, which is realistically denied to women and girls. Given the blame female victims experience against a backdrop of extreme sexism, women just don't have much experience in non-prey roles.
One of the scariest things I ever heard was hearing a male survivor say, "But it can't have been that." (About being abused by a notorious neighborhood molester who——I just found this out last night——was convicted for drugs but not rape all these decades later.) Because only girls get raped and he wondered if that…
Giving birth and giving up can be horrifically scarring and traumatic. See: "The Girls Who Went Away."