
Yay! Congrats! Things can and do get better. I'm glad the time has come for you :)

Yay you!

Glad you went through with it but sorry you have to deal with the aftermath. I have been in the position of having to fire bad employees before and subsequently getting served with bogus lawsuits, so I know where you're coming from. It's a headache but it will go away. It's much better than having to deal with a bad

You are supposed to rinse it if you can, but if you're using a public bathroom just wash your hands thoroughly before entering the stall (probably a good idea to keep any contact with the door of the stall through a tissue instead of your bare hands), empty the contents in the toilet and use a dry or damp tissue to

I know what you mean. My grandmother speaks of her occupation as "tending to her husband", which involves things like making sure her makeup is properly applied first thing in the morning and all his meals are there at the required times. When her engaged younger sister got in a bad accident her main concern was that

Ha! You are awesome! In more than one occasion I've stood across the street and stared, so you're my hero!

I used to be quite shy when meeting new people but got really fed up with it one day and decided that it wasn't doing me any good so I gave myself the task of breaking the ice and speaking to one random person a day. At first it was definitely out of my comfort zone because it involved stuff like making conversation

Yay! Congratulations!

Thanks for asking!


There's a guy on YouTube that's pretty good. Picked up some useful tips from him.

I think it's a good idea to establish boundaries as soon as possible because it's probably a situation that will not change by itself and might make your job tougher. Is there any way to talk to her directly about it in a friendly, non-confrontational way? My guess is that she is used to running the whole show with

I think that that's a pretty common thing when one person has a change in lifestyle. That happened to me with my group of good friends from college. In my case I moved away, but it was still kind of tough to hear about them all hanging out and being part of each other's lives while I basically faded away into the

I use and love these,default,pd.html. They work great on wet or dry hair. They are also pretty convenient to carry around since they are flat. I find brushes pull my hair out, but these wide, coated combs don't. I normally do a quick sweep top to bottom and whenever

My original comment was that the guy probably has personal motivations for lodging the complaint and this backs that up. Not a single person other than him has come forward even intimating they might have a problem with the cat.

I suffer from allergies as well and can't tell you how overjoyed I was the first time I went to a bar and didn't come home with stinging eyes and smelling like an ashtray. I think we both agree that one person's enjoyment should not come in the way of someone else's health or wellbeing, particularly in public areas.

Lol, apparently so. Some googling says he has a colorful history as town troll.

I don't, but I find it unlikely that for 20-30 years no parent would come forward if their child's allergies to the resident cat were so severe as to threaten their health and prevent them from frequenting a public library.

I think it depends on the Meetup and there is definitely some trial and error involved so it does take some perseverance. Some have wonderful, super friendly people and others do have jerks and even cliques. The upside is that most people are looking to hang out and make new friends.

Have you tried They have meetups for a lot of different interests and are a great way to meet new people.