No, they stack up against the others just fine. Those two experiences were quite shitty. Hope you find a job with some decent people soon!
No, they stack up against the others just fine. Those two experiences were quite shitty. Hope you find a job with some decent people soon!
Ugh. I never want to be that woman. They give all of us a bad rap :-(
Friend, that is the geekiest thing I’ve ever read on Deadspin and I love you for it.
God dammit, you just ruined my day! I’m still recovering from those #iwishmyteacherknew tweets and now I read this. That poor kid :-(
On the one hand, I feel relieved that he wasn’t dead or passed out in an alcoholic stupor. Or, worse, that he just didn’t give a shit. On the other hand...that’s it?? You were there all night with fucking Gary and that’s why he didn’t pick you up?? Still, I’m glad everyone was OK at the end.
From now until forever, I’m going to yell “CORRE, HIJITA, CORRE!” whenever someone is going to be sick.
Jesus, I’m so sorry for all of that :-(
I'm a little past my college years (OK, about 20) but whenever I hear a story like this I say a little prayer because that could have easily been me or one of my friends when we were younger. I feel sad for this kid and his family but also for his friends who must feel guilty over what happened. I feel for the driver…
I don't know, I'm pretty glad these guys shared their pictures with the Internet. I love pictures from urban exploration, especially when it's from abandoned stadiums. It's fascinating and lovely, in a melancholy kind of way. And I'm glad that other people have the balls to enter scary old abandoned places. I'm not…
I really hope they are. Too bad they can't empty the toilets over his mansion, too.
That dive back to the bench. Are you sure that guy isn't on the baseball team?
Damn you, you stole my comment!! But, yeah, you're right. That gap isn't nearly as wide as Jessica would like Salma (and the rest of us) to believe.
Ghost, you're OK in my book. You're funny and you wish cancer on people who are assholes. I like that in a person. I lost a good friend who disliked Joan Rivers because of things she said about the Palestinians. I told this friend I was sadder over Joan Rivers than I was over all the Palestinians. Yeah, friendship…
I was really excited for this movie but then I realized it was about the wrong Mordecai
Apparently, these creeps have done this before. According to the pizza place's manager:
You're exactly right. They weren't saints who woke up in a bad mood and decided to take it out on some pizza delivery guy. I guarantee you, they've done this before, to plenty of people. You don't act that shitty without a whole lot of practice.
Awesome screen name and AVI. The DC Comics Huntress would approve this post :-)
I agree with you. Look, there are two absolute truths in this story: she was the victim and physical abuse (of *anybody* but especially the woman you are supposed to love) is heinous. But it does that mean he should be labeled a monster and cast out? Should she be scorned because she chose to stay with her abuser? I…
According to the NYT article linked above:
Yeah, this whole story just seems to be odd. Why did he get thrown out of the game at MSG? What would have caused him to act so strangely after that incident? How did he fall out of the window?? There seems to be a lot going on here.