
I swear, my love for Echo grows with each episode. She is becoming a seriously great character. If only the fans would get over the whole Bellarke nonsense because they’re really missing out on what a badass she is.

She is a trained dancer! She was one of Madonna’s dancers for a while. She toured with her and even appeared in the 2012 Super Bowl halftime show with her. I hear Climax is great, I really want to see it.

Oh, Diyoza. How could I forget her! I love her. And I’m really digging her team up with Octavia this season. That was the only thing I didn’t love about last night’s episode: no Diyoza and Octavia (although, logically, I know there wasn’t a place for it in the episode).

It’s such a dumb, bad movie but any time I’m flipping through the channels and it’s on one of the premium channels, I’ll stop and watch it. Honestly, though, if the movie had been about the Mummy and less about the rest of the dopes, it could have been a great movie. Boutella was terrific in the role but tragically

Am I wrong (and I could be, I need to watch the episode again) but wasn’t Josephine going to let Bellamy kill her dad? She just stood by as B choked him out and said something like “an eye for an eye”. I get that the primes don’t take death as seriously because they can be implanted in another body but, still...that’s

I loved it when Echo’s reaction immediately after hugging Bellamy was “When do we attack?” I’ve always liked her character but that made her my favorite non-Clarke character. And any Bellarke weirdo who doesn’t think she’s awesome can bite me ;-) 

Stopping Octavia by putting her in a coma was a great idea - puts her on ice long enough to let them find another solution. There again, Clarke was a little too quick on the suggestion to kill Octavia!

It has to be a running joke among the writers, right?? I also love the idea of a Raven/Echo coupling. They had much better chemistry in last night’s episode than she’s ever had with Bellamy.

I should have seen what Bellamy did to Octavia at the end coming from a mile away. They only mentioned how Monty’s original algae formula almost killed them about a million times in the episode.

I was pretty happy to see Cooper go and it was kind of hilarious to me that her death served zero purpose. I really want to see a Clarke/Diyoza team up and I hope this episode gets us closer to that. Also, Abby sucks.

Maddie is “the 100's Dawn” - oh, I love this! So true. And I’m glad to see Clarke finally stepping up, too. As much as I’ve enjoyed the season so far, I’m a little disappointed that Clarke has been so passive. I want to see the badass Wanheda again!

I like how they give a nod to Halloween 2 in the trailer, where Laurie’s granddaughter is talking with her friends about how Laurie freaks out at Halloween. And it’s smart, too: it establishes right up front that this is a direct sequel to the first movie and the events of the sequels are erased. I’m so hyped for this

Definitely a very cool mix! And the hate she gets from shippers is ridiculous. She and Bellamy have such an interesting history together...they could only ever been lifelong enemies or lovers. In a way, they’re like the heterosexual version of Clarke and Lexa. People really need to let go of Bellarke.

Exactly. Maybe they feel like they’re between a rock and a hard place - the choice between Octavia’s deranged underground bunker crew and Charmaine’s murder crew isn’t much of a choice at all so better to stay with the devil you know, I guess? The thing is, Clarke and the smart kids would most likely have a place with

I always liked the character of Echo, even though she was usually working against our heroes. She’s shrewd and tough. But I like her even more this season - not just because she’s one of the “good guys” (or, at least working for the crew I like best) she has softened a bit, thanks to her time on The Ring. And she

I was so relieved to see she had survived! And then so disappointed when she used to her close friendship with Clarke to get Maddie’s dangerous truth from her. But it’s part of what makes this season so great. Everything has changed, even if some things appear to be the same as before.

I hate the new skykru in a way that I haven’t hated any of the show’s previous villains. All of them - the Grounders, the Mountainmen - were fighting for survival, too, just like our heroes from the Arc. I could identify with their struggle, even if I hated that they were trying to kill my favorite characters. These

I think it’s also that Niylah has also been a good ally to Skicru. In season 2, she let Clarke and crew crash at her place when they needed to de-program Alie-infected Raven. And in season 3, she helped them prepare the base for Primfya (until it got blown up). And she helped Octavia heal after she survived being

I’ll never be over Clexa but I am totally behind Clarke and Niylah (Cliylah? Niylarke?) continuing their thing.

He acknowledged it by yelling “You killed my mother’s sister!” - a line that, literally, made me laugh out loud because it was so ridiculous and delivered with practically zero angst. It was a low point for a movie filled with low points.