
I remember being a pretty quiet kid until, as a freshman in HS, I took a public speaking elective. That really opened me up. I'd almost go as far as to say life changing (from a social interactive stand-point).

Sounds like your smug, not shy. Just sayin...

This is an easy fix, just create your own proprietary mobile OS and build an App Store! I think the market could use another competitor in the market.

Drop7 FTW.

I watched it 4 or 5 times... and LoLed each time.

That put a tear in my eye too. Amazing achievement for humans to ride an explosion to the stars.

Ahhhh Compuserve. Yes, the interlaced download of a gif. I didn't even bother with JPEG's. Those took FOREVER!

You know what would get my attention: "Blackberry is now called Super Duper Phone".

I barely pay attention to Apple's quarterly earning, along with conference calls. Yet, I care MORE about Apple's earning reports than I do anything related to RIM.

It was a pretty wild storm (especially for SF). First time I've had a soccer game cancelled due to lightning. After about 15 minutes of playing in pouring rain, a few bolts way too close for comfort caused everyone at the field to say fuckit and head for their cars. Crazy stuff.

I wonder if this explains my ability to be, after a beer or two, as good as Tom Cruise in the Color of Money at the pool table. But after that third or fourth beer I'm worse than a retarded monkey at the game.

Google, it isn't the UI that is the problem with +. It's that nobody cares about it. I suggest mailing out $5 bills for each time a user spends more than 15 minutes on the site. Maybe that'll drum up some traffic.

No one knows because no one cares :P

I've tried YellowRex adding: "Wear slippers and walk on toes" to the conclusions of my reports but for some reason it never works ;)

As an Acoustical Consultant I have to forewarn any Condo owners (not on the ground floor) about replacing carpet with hardwood Floors. Check your CC&R's in regards to noise impact from flooring, you're looking for an IIC (impact isolation class) rating!

I've been rocking Plex since version 0.9 came out and it's unstoppable. The recent update to the Media Server has been a good addition although my 2008 iMac get's a bit overtaxed at times (but that's not Plex's fault). I have a Roku XS in the mail which I'm quite excited for. I tried XMBC a week or two ago but it

"The adage that Apples don't get viruses might soon prove to be false"

Free cloud storage is quickly becoming the free email addresses of the early 2000's.

Poor skinny Egyptians, if only they had Corn Fructose :(

I'm a strong believer in Apple's decision to forgo a stylus with the iPhone, but with the iPad and apps like this... man, it's screaming for a stylus. My handwriting is already bad with a pen, and awful with my index finger.