Happy Birthday! (in 2020)!
Happy Birthday! (in 2020)!
I really like the APOD (Astronomy Picture of the Day) Chrome/FF extension:
Guardians of the Galaxy. That movie was just stupid.
Call me crazy, but how about we RE-USE previous locations?
I applaud you dear sir.
I once used beans wrapped in a paper towel and took a hammer to it. It was about a 75% fail :(
Just get around them. I mean, what else can you do?
Working from home can actually make focusing on tasks fairly difficult. I feel it is imperative that you have a "home" office part of your house/apartment where you mentally distinguish it from the rest of your place. Thus helping reduce the all-too-easy pit of slacking off. Maybe it's your kitchen table, or maybe…
Well in late June I'll be back out on the search for web dev position. If you're in SF I'm all about spreading the word on my availability.
"Crazy" is a stretch for my story. But in 2010 I was sure the company I was working for was going to go under, I was trying to abandon ship, hard!
You can specify when transcoding will happen in Plex now. It's come a long way in the past year and a half.
EA, I am not always your biggest fan. But please EA, get the MVP Baseball team back together and make a proper baseball game for Xbox 360!
This is possibly one of the dumbest comments I've ever heard. Cause going outside to play sports is something you can always do by yourself, costs no money, requires little to no skill, and is super easy that anyone can do it (thus guaranteeing a great time!).
I'm a little surprised it's in such high demand.
What does this MEAN!?
That certainly would give new meaning to the "Hunger Games". Now wouldn't it?
50 Attempts at "SPEACH"????