
Even if it could work I'm sure the Republicans would find some reason to scream bloody murder over it.

Now playing

"Jake, I love the tacos, they're maybe the best tacos I've ever had."

The next iPhone will have a Godzilla shaped diamond on the back with a micro-Taco Bell chalupa making factory where the USB port used to be and will enable you to travel to Mars.

Invest in space travel Apple. If you want a true foot in the door to the future. Get the damn space elevator built already.

I was sort of being sarcastic. My point really is that good processors in tablets are great, but to read over the fire storm of comments is a little silly. At the end of the day if you need real processor horsepower, you need a desktop computer not a tablet. Call me in 3 years to re-evaluate.

So which one should I get for rendering my latest 3D animation? Oh and number crunching my 10mb spreadsheet? And while we're at it, applying several filters on my 500mb Photoshop image?

Sometimes musicians win Grammys because their album sold a zillion copies. Let's get something straight: Grammy Award <> Good Music

I hear that. Shrooms are awesome!

I had a dream last night where I took acid and then ate some shrooms, I then realized that this was a very bad idea. Boy, I'm glad that was only a dream.

The update will likely be released about 2 weeks before Jelly Bean drops. Seems that the latest version of Android will always be n-1.

*slow clap*

I think I saw this advice on the news once.

Willing to make a friendly wager on that Andrew? ;)

Damn... guess it's back to AOL for me. The 'Warez' room is still open right?

I'd think, to a degree, that unless a TV's box says "Connects to Internet" in that plain of language that people simply won't know you can do that. TV's are advertised as having Samsung-Plus-Connect, or Panasonic-Web or some other crap name that probably confuses people or just turns them off to trying to learn about

Don't stop at just the mouse! Let's kill the keyboard while we're at it! Because the last thing we need is a device that hasn't changed in over 30 years. Instead we should just use a Dual Shock to enter in text via a non-qwerty interface. Cause if you want to go skydiving you'll want a parachute, but it doesn't mean

I'm sure the Apple II would have sold a boatload more if it was only $100 back in 1985. You're comparing apples to oranges here Jesus.

This is my biggest problem with Apple trying to do what DBox does. iCloud isn't cross-platform and probably never will, much rather as easily as Dropbox does.

I have used Mac OS for 20+ years and have nearly Never come across malware. And believe me, over these 20 years I've visited some seedy sites. Sure, I've see auto-downloaded .exe's show up in my downloads folder but seriously:

By the time most Android phones finally get ICS the next OS will probably be about ready to drop. For the life of me I don't know why these phones keep getting released at all without the latest OS on them.