
For once I actually do believe in the power of prayer. $460B!!! :o

Pics or it didn't happen

Umm, I'm pretty sure this is how Predator vs. Alien began isn't it?

PLEASE bring back MVP Baseball EA!!!!! PLEASE!!!!


I got an extra $1,000 back and spent $150 to get the taxes done. Thus I earned $850 more than I would have than if I had used TaxACT.

The "Find my Phone" is the only feature I find worthwhile. I voted iCloud "sucks" because:

Title should read: "Apple has approximately 250 employees attending CES".

I don't believe this post for one second. The PlayBook is still crap.

200 Million Users * $50 = $10 Billion

If the Volt ran on cold fusion then I'd agree with you. But it doesn't.

Wait, no RIM Playbook?

I agree with this for the 4S. Though in regards to the iPad 2, I kind of feel it is THE iPad to have, the first one was sort of half baked (particularly in the software dept.) and thus I think it deserves to be sort of forgotten about. Also, the iPad 2 has sold about 10e8 units.

If only there was a Steve Jobs figure to come in and save RIM. Are there no more heroes?

"Many Bothans died to bring us this information."

Nice post Jesus. I'd be pretty damn flattered to get an RSVP from this man as well. Have fun!

To ask "What is iPad 2,4?", one must turn to themselves and really ask 'What is Life?'

What? No streetview???

I say throw up a poll to see how many people are experiencing this. Seems blown out of proportion to me.

I tend to think that if Net Neutrality was overturned that I would simply stop using the big sites that we'd have to pay premiums for. There's more than one search engine out there, I don't NEED to use Facebook, Haven't used Digg for years, Gizmodo is great but I read more than one tech blog, Reddit users might start