
I agree with what "C.BledsoeJr" says by putting the absorption on the backwall and not behind the TV. For the DIY absorbers it is best to use 2" thick fiberglass and make sure the fabric you use to cover it breathes! (air passes through it will little resistance).

Not to be a Nitpicking nanny here, but it says $125,000/10yr. In other words $12,500/yr.

I'll take a look at the article in a little bit, but it sounds like he has just defined: Troll.

"With the sleek, cheap Kindle Fire shipping Nov. 15th, we've suddenly got a legitimate contender"

How the hell did we get here in 200 years?

So that they couldn't check email?

You couldn't pay me to take a Playbook. Well, I take that back, give me an iPad and I'll consider taking a Playbook.

Of course they do.... to pay for pennies.

After spending a year in England I have to say, yes, yes I would use the $1 coin. The £1 coin was always very handy to use. Besides, I don't like having 10 $1 bills falsely inflating the size of my wallet.

What about iPhone compatibility???

I wish you could get rid of the lock screen to be honest*. Just let me turn on my iPhone and get right to the springboard.

Really? You're now reduced to mining Jobs' autobiography for rumors? This is so ridiculous.

What you don't tell people is what it smells like out there. It reeeeeeeeeeeks! Some of the salt marshes will be torn up and turned into track housing in the next few years. The EIR I'm writing says so.

Does it make the reception in the Lower Haight better?

What's a low-load situation? Driving the speed limit or less? Cause we both know that doesn't happen. Whatever the case, I'm just writing out some numbers from my own experience.


Sure your mileage might not be the same as my estimates, but my math is right.

I can't wait for a nice piece of hardware to supplement the best piece of software out there.

If your car recommends premium then get premium. It may cost more at the pump, but you'll get more mileage from that tank of gas which lowers the $/mile.

I agree that media players from here out will evolve but not sure what else can be done for playing music or watching TV/movies without starting to get in to way or become over complicated. In that sense I'll attempt to move onto the features of mobile devices that need work and may become the new focus of innovation.