
Sure your mileage might not be the same as my estimates, but my math is right.

I can't wait for a nice piece of hardware to supplement the best piece of software out there.

If your car recommends premium then get premium. It may cost more at the pump, but you'll get more mileage from that tank of gas which lowers the $/mile.

I agree that media players from here out will evolve but not sure what else can be done for playing music or watching TV/movies without starting to get in to way or become over complicated. In that sense I'll attempt to move onto the features of mobile devices that need work and may become the new focus of innovation.

So if there was a new form factor, yet everything else announced remained the same (and it was called iPhone 5), you would be happy?

So I got de-starred again for talking back to Biddle. It's times like this that I feel like a lone man starring out at the stars from my small window upon the planet Krypton.

SOLD. I'll take ten!

Can't this thing be summed up in less words?

Is it me, or do Android users have a xenonphobia complex?

What if mine says Argon? Sounds like the Noble thing to do is to wait. Or head on over to: []

I think #1 is possibly the best bit of advice (behind not going crazy with a credit card). Listening to *Smart* people (i.e. Rich people who earned their wealth) about money is so important. My folks are pretty well off and my Dad is always there to talk finances with. I've talked to Uncles of friends who are well off

Man, I haven't listened to this song in a long time. Those beginning piano chords though, boy, those bring back a whole lot of grief from a tough time years ago.

This list is so pointless it could have been on

Game. Set. Match. Well played iElvis... well played :)

Hire Steve Jobs.

Most of the people I know use Linux, it won't be a huge help to me...

Poor lady

Next thing you know RIM is going to start spoofing BBerries to be recognized as iPods when you plug one into a Mac, like anyone would be stupid enough to try tha..... oooh wait a minute. I believe that did happen once, what happened to those guys anyway?

Not sure I know what happened on September NINTH, 2001. Care to fill me in?

This sounds like terrible advice, by asking for $71,000 more than you expect you could end up with $2k more? I guess that's fine but $31k isn't really a jackpot is it? Not to mention, you'll very likely end up blowing the job opportunity.