
Not that this topic isn't interesting. But does it seem like there's been a lot of ranting posts on Giz lately?

And how I sit my keyboard silent,

I wholeheartedly agree with what Missouri has done.

Forget it.

You'd need a separate tree altogether to put all the Performa variations up there. By my count, I believe there were 6,326 types of Performa models.

I'm sure they fear bureaucrats like you fear sharks with laser beams. $2.5B would probably not cover 5 rocket launches.

It's true.

I have forwarded this article off to Dr. Dad for a 2nd opinion, but I am definitely taking note.

I'm well aware that Surface isn't dead but it didn't really make an impact.

"...most of these products aren't even on the market yet."

Kind of sounds like Apple of the 90's.

I'd tally this a win for Phone Marketers the world around in their attempt to utterly confuse.

I don't recall an iPhone 2G, only the 3G, which made perfect sense based on the key feature of the phone was it worked on the 3G network. Apple didn't "drop" the "G" with iPhone 4, it simply was the fourth version of the iPhone.

Regardless of what any test numbers are regarding speed. Lion is faster than Snow Leopard. It's noticeably different on my Late 08 iMac 24".

For $30 upgrading isn't a BAD idea. But after running the GM for over a week I can agree with Jesus on this one. This is anything but a must-have upgrade.

You're in luck! Cause Belkin and Griffin both have the iSharkAdapterThingy. Only $59.99 (even though its a worthless piece of plastic)

iPhone 5 will be lighter, and faster. It will be the best iPhone ever made. Not only will iPhone 5 be all around better, it will have a subwoofer to make the best downloadable music sound even better. But that is not all iPhone 5 will have, iPhone 5 will have freakin' laser beams and a protective force field to

Well this is Biddle posting once again. Who famously thinks an FFT cancels out all sound, and that there's a blackhole out there that is only two solar masses.

Quite a coincidence that, for some reason*, I spent all of last night reading the entire Titanic wiki page. It mentioned this expedition was underway.

Now playing

Oh just kill Facebook, OF COURSE! IT'S SO EEEEASSSSY!!!!