
Yeah, I didn't really take any time to accurately figure out which one this was but whatever. Probably is the original Macintosh.

You think for a minute that if the media stopped publicizing these hack-attacks that they might stop? I mean, naturally after stopping reporting about it there'd likely be a huge hack-attack to try and gain our attention but if we still ignored it I think it might stop.

"but then I see that there's a black hole out there with a mass of two of our suns"

The Mac Plus was a pretty sweet looking computer. Damn.

Not yet at least. Just wait til Zynga get's their hands on it.

Is this the last Social Network Hurrah for Google?

I understand reviewers go through a lot more hardware than consumers, but I believe the intro to this review does nothing but make me categorize reviewers as the epitome of "short attention span".

LulzSec does realize that this doesn't mean the CIA is going to just stop looking for them right? They've committed crimes and they'll pay for it. Sucks for them.

Exactly. Not to mention, what harm are people looking over your should causing?

Would you choose a 1600 rpm hard drive over a 7200 rpm hard drive? NO!

While on the topic, don't tease Gizmodo about why they aren't allowed to Apple events anymore. They took away my star because I did :(

I have a secret way to avoid getting headaches at 3D movies. My friends have all had 100% success with this approach.

No comment.

Man, I love boobs :)

Other than the non-gossiping thing, the Apple stores don't sound that crazy. I worked in a 4-star hotel that had a large number of "scripted" responses such as saying "Certainly..." instead of 'yes' and "It would be my pleasure..." for helping out with something. I'll admit it took a little while to remember saying

That thing's pretty rad.

I almost feel the carry over from undergrad days that if you got a "C" or "D" in a class that you could go argue you it to a "C" or "B". Seriously, if the game was 'good' from the git-go then this probably wouldn't be happening?

America. Fuck Yeah!

My Condo.

The Wii U looks great and I'm sure it'll do great. But I don't know if I can handle another Mario, another Zelda, another Metroid, another Smash Bros., another Star Fox, another Donkey Kong.