
Excuse me Gizmodo, but there is ALWAYS need for domestic panic. At least, if you're a 24 news network there is...

It's only $0.99

Dude, I still can't tear myself away from Drop7. I'll have to give this game a try. ; ; goddamn Yahoo Answers!

Here's my review:

Humans evolved large opposable thumbs. That was a huge difference between us and Chimps. Touch your pinky to your thumb. No problem right.

I think Marsupials would have a solid shot. Pouches!!! Why didn't Mammals think of that!?!

How much is saved though in "the long run?". As a 50mile/day commuter for over 3.5 years I was able to take a very close look at how often I filled up and would gauge how many miles I'd drive between tanks.

I don't want to sound rude but, Duh (unless you're spending someone else's money). Although you can save a good $45 by getting an HDMI cable at

What an incredible! waste of time.

A Sandy-Bridge i7 w/SSD and the newest fastest port is the best laptop out there? Yes. Yes it is.

If you really want a performance Focus then do yourself a favor and find a used SVT for $5,000 or less.

Why not just do a live blog of it? No need for the meta..... oh, wait haha , my bad :\

So the TSA got a tip that Osama was trying to sneak into the US dressed as a 9 y.o. boy. What?

Not to mention 24/2 <> 16.

God damn liberals.

Someone call FOX News! There's an injustice in AMERICA that is making little baby Jesus sad!

"Summit Fever" should be defined as "Every man for himself" because they all know this in preparation, they all know it when acclimatizing, and they all know it when they get to the Death Zone.