
I propose a new SI unit: The "Zuck" (abbrev. Zk).

@Zordon: Yes, I believe we have defined the Zuck for the better. Under this definition I get a much better understanding of:

@Zordon: That's not a bad point. Maybe a Zuck should be Facebook activity rather than simply viewing Facebook. The more activity the higher the Zucks.

@AccostHer Wilde: You load the page, you Zucked. Naturally it's up to you to define if it counts or not. But in my opinion 1 sec. or 10 minutes are the same thing.

@daiv.boveri: Spread the definition in any comments relevant. Give credit if you wish, but more important get the word out!

I propose a new SI unit: The "Zuck".

Rather than order online and have the thing delivered to you I bet people are still going to line up for a god-awful long time.

@Purdueable: I suggest you read a book on the native North Americans prior to the landing of the Europeans before posting further.

Go back to then.

@Dallas May: You are aware that customers are finicky beasts right? A month long trial would have ended in the people just ignoring their TV.

@brady.obrien666: Facts like this are starting to trip me out more and more.... You mean not everyone used an Apple IIgs to learn to type???? Whaaaa.....?

@thejoshualewis: Thanks for the clarification. Yeah, I have considered giving out the GV number. I'll have to memorize it first :/

Hmm, so I have to "Cancel" my AT&T account and then add another one? This won't work....

Hmm, and how much is an iPod Touch these days? If Apple just allowed a gamepad adapter then the 3DS and PSP would be in serious trouble.

After clicking on about 10 pointless infographics I've realized they're pointless.

Wait, what's the long pen shaped thing?

It's taken 2K Sports 6 years to finally copy the fielding animations and controls that EA had nailed down in MVP '05? Please just give EA the baseball license again. Please?