
When the apocalypse comes you'll find me out in the street looking to get nuked. I don't want to live in this armored house, or any of the post-apocalyptic squalid living conditions.

I can understand it being annoying and if I were in the same situation and were so bothered I'd have no real issue in banning his media access control (MAC) card.

@pettiblay: I think a "10 People I Love on Facebook" list would be much more constructive.

No offense, but if you hate everyone that is on Facebook then WHY are you on Facebook???

@Ursus Maritimus: Very good point. I subscribe to the way you think although I've definitely had those debates over using the EQ's or not. Too bad we can't all own flat response studio monitors :(

@abeeee: LOL. I think we have a winner!

Although this thing looks nice, I'd still take any laptop that has a piece of fruit with one clean bite out of it. Hint: the fruit I'm talking about rhymes with "Frapple".

More on frequency response is the hysteresis for the frequencies, this is rarely stated much rather the frequency that has the worst change from "flat" or 0 dB change.

What would be considered "Instant"? Is it on faster than you can open the thing? Is it on within 1 second of having it open? I'm not trying to be sarcastic or cynical here, I'm curious of what it would take for a piece of hardware to finally have Full-Blown "Instant On".

I feel fairly confident that people who read and really think about an article like this has the right to make a decision on the topic and comment.

They delays are because all of the AirPlay products can allow access to pornographic audio. Thus, all manufacturers have to go back to the drawing board.

I am all for companies upgrading their networks to 4G and getting things in place for the future of portable devices. But I definitely think their marketing departments are jumping the gun with advertising 4G as the savior to all smartphone data connections. People (read: not Giz readers) are easily tricked by

Google is the 21st Century God. It is omnipresent, omniscience, and practically omnipotent. I'd say it's omnibenevolent too, but that sort of contradicts it's capitalistic roots.

@BoscoH: even better, get rid of dinosaurs and mammoths.... wait a minute.

You know what's a better idea? Get rid of human drivers.

Purging Facebook friends is cathartic to me. Good post!


I have zero problems with the Beatles being on iTunes, and the prices are reasonable. It's just not that big of a deal for someone who is capable of using a CD-ROM and the most basic of basic knowledge of encoding music. I say go for it Apple, make a killing! A sucker's born every minute.

Sosumi. Man oh man, the irony.

@fuhteng: Not really... is it? Should have gone with a vocoder joke.