
@webman2k: Yup, the only musical artists to get excited about hitting iTunes are the artists that have not released any of their music to any previous format. In the end, the iTunes music is no different than a ripped CD.

"Maybe she's bitter because her ex-husband died hugging a tree."

I really hope it's new Features and not new Content. Getting the Beatles on iTunes is only fun for people who literally were born yesterday.

What's the deal with iTunes anyway? I listened to music with it once. then analyzed the playback techniques, deduced the rest of the time would be listening to audio through my speakers and sat my computer down.

@mikehart526: Yes, thank you for explaining what the Oatmeal cartoon above just explained. I'm glad to hear you eat vitamins and are a healthy horse.

Good post. Keep up the hard work!

Jesus! thats a big head.

When recording a loud event with your pathetic cell phone, simply put your thumb over the microphone so that the recording doesn't sound like a clipped, distorted, screeching mess! An even better tip? Put your damn phone away and just watch!

@Talryyn: I would imagine the farsighting is based mainly on the primary use of the Kinect, as opposed to a limitation in the technology.

@Invisible-Echidna: Maybe not 8 ft. but what if you had a 30" monitor and could sit upwards of 4 ft. away gesturing to control the computer? The gesture control has potential to break down some common approaches to operating a PC. Although text input (keyboard) remains a difficult device to replace.

The idea of getting the Kinect to control a computer by gestures is very exciting! This has the potential to leap frog touch control computers altogether.

Well the pitch dark room should work ok, considering the Kinect

Google is the 21st Century God.

I remember being a teen (9 years ago) and having about 6 AIM chats going on at once with it being attention grabbing but I was easily capable of doing it. Mainly because I wanted it to be that way. I can only imagine how trying to Text that fast must feel (or rather that the messages sent are not the deepest messages).

I thought Resident Evil 4 was pretty creepy back on GC. Playing those raining levels and then coming across the villagers with the huge monster thing sticking out of their heads (after you shot their head off). Playing that at night would get my palms sweaty.

Here's what a current Mammo looks like. NASA to the rescue!

@tomsomething: I hear ya, and I would argue that iOS has been the beginning of said "ramp". If Apple were to take iOS touch and elegantly merge it with Apple Hardware & Software then I wouldn't be surprised if we see Apple, yet again, take the lead on a new avenue of computing.

@steino: Nothing that is better than a desktop at doing day to day computer stuff (email, browsing, simple image editing, etc.). A "touch" computer will come into it's own once the formula is invented that will make it at least equal to a desktop in usability.

I think for anyone to envision a touch computer they have to clear their minds of what we currently know. Touch computers could be great, but I don't think they've been invented yet. Though, of course, that all could change very soon.