
Let's not start with the Verizon iPhone on this one. This will only lead to nothing but "I'm so disappointed :'( " comments post-keynote.

God I hate flying.

If Mario was created in this day and age there's a good chance he would not have a mustache and no overalls. Both of these features were born out of a need to define the little guy's mouth and arms. Heck, in this day and age he would likely have not been named Mario at all.

Before anyone could consider any of these options you must of course get past the inevitable question of "Why do I want video conferencing at home?" Other than talking to Grandma I see no point (which is ironic because Grandma would never invest in one of these much rather be able to use one).


Charge them $1000 after you save their house. But don't just stand and watch!


This might be a dumb question, but why are control rooms like this always so dark?

@Agagulba: Even if it was in the Alpha Centauri system it would take centuries to travel there. We're better off just aiming at Europa.

I love that the powerups are money and pizza. No doubt the son of god and savior of mankind is a pepperoni man.

Lol, It's like Oregon Trail for DOS.

Other than there are no particularly great games for the Wii, and the graphics are lame, the reason I got rid of it was because I did not like having to move to play a video game. Seriously, I play soccer and have run marathons but when I want to play a video game I really do not want to wag and shake and jump to play

I have 3 stars on every available level. Yes, I have no life.

Cool, cause I really wouldn't mind the overweight passenger next to me to invading my space more.

I love being a geek but knowing when "it's really not worth it" makes you a true nerd. Choose your (mod) battles wisely.

Based on the report regarding the iTunes Remote app, and how the person who made it was shifted to other projects. I can only assume that the iChat team is being utilized elsewhere at the moment. I just hope this doesn't mean it will become a key feature in 10.7 (in the sense that I don't consider Facetime for Mac

He couldn't have gotten a little more clever with the design of this tat? I'm not a big fan of tattoos, but I at least have some respect those that artistic.

All of this data is effing ridiculous. We aren't an advanced culture, we are a lame culture.

I'm 29 and been driving a stick shift since 15-ish. First car was a BMW 320i (1977), it was a 4 speed.

Finally another Social Media site! I was always wondering when someone would challenge MySpace.