
You guys must not consume a lot of scifi or science fact. I’ve seen a lot of comments about this and I cant believe one of the best parts of the pilot completely went over your heads. Researchers have put a lot of thought and work into figuring out ways to make sure future extraterrestrial colonies dont suffer from

In Randall Colburn’s defense,”pants-shittingly” can cover a wide range of pant shitting, from a violent, uncontrolled flood to a little toot with a bonus peanut.

I can’t see the results of the survey after voting, which sorta stinks.

They’re still not foot proof.

Wouldn't it have made more sense to just give us season 3 of "Happy?"

All that’s left is some frozen mammoth milk! That’s how I got so big and strong.

With Apple Music, Apple TV+ (and other streaming services) making owning gigabytes of MP3 and video files a thing of the past

Hot Take:

All those poor people who named their kids Daenerys or Khaleesi.

Right on the money! I like the creativity of the expression! Love the twin peaks reference.

...all deeply cool shit that I fear will culminate unsatisfyingly with something asinine involving interpretive dance.

We live about 10 minutes from the mall that they used for filming. I happened to run by there last fall and caught the parking lot full of interesting cars. That K Car has seen better days. The pics from inside were from a different visit.

Fun fact: The woman in engineering who was helping Tilly troubleshoot the spore drive played LCDR Airiam in season 1.

Mercury.  It’s hot and small, but there’s nothing interesting about it. It’s the solar system’s Hayden Panettiere.

The shocking credits sequence fades to black, and then it turns out it’s now a show about George R.R. Martin sampling food trucks in Santa Fe and his native Bayonne, NJ. “These banh mi habanero shooters could tempt even the Night King with their piquant mix of three spices!”

10/17/2018: Jeff Bezos buys old Rangie for shits and giggles

Just as long as they aren’t rescued by a ship with an Infinite Improbability drive at odds of 2 to the power of 260,199 to 1 against.

This is all going to end up with people being branded by washed-up actors from Smallville, isn’t it?

I made up my mind before I even finished the article NP NP NP NP just so I can roll around like Crockett and Tubbs in my Fauxrari! I just have to make sure never to park it around Jeff Fahey!