"Are you familiar with physical forms of pleasure?"
"Are you familiar with physical forms of pleasure?"
The Battlestar Galactica MMO has a triad card game.
Not bad—I'm not sure it looks as good as the Battlestar Galactica MMO—but the article doesn't answer the most important question: when does this game start? Also, wrong phaser sound.
OK, but homo sapiens were almost certainly faster, better at running, and for longer distances, than 'thals. Better mobility could mean getting to the good food & etc first.
And all those times I used it to deliver Darth Vader lines in a chipmunk voice...how guilty I feel now.
Waaaaaaaaay better than the Bionic Woman show, yes sir.
I watched the pilot last night and, at the risk of summoning the wrath of the Internet down upon my ass, I liked it. Maybe my expectations were set so low I couldn't help but be pleasantly surprised, but if there was another episode airing next week I'd watch it, which is more than I can say for the Cape, Alphas or…
Great review, best ever.
Heh. Yes. "Line 'em up!" I was surprised Jason was so averse to it. Seemed like something he would enjoy.
The Lizard Man does have distinct red eyes...and all that herb made him so hungry he tried to eat a car! That tracks.
Oops: "Those two names pretty much guarantee the show will be worth watching in future, no matter what the pilot is like. (Also,"
A Smithee is a sword-maker too embarassed by the poor result to put his real name on the sword he made.
Nice refresher here. Also, Torchwood is an anagram of Doctor Who.
Here's a link on how to publish on the Kindle: [io9.com]
I love this story, made me laugh. Damn shame about the lack of pics.
This remains the finest car chase/crash/shootout in anything, ever. Enjoy.
Ugh. I wish there was something, anything in the pilot to make me think this show could even get better, but no. This show was utterly bereft of anything compelling or original.