
I recently realized one of the key components of why the Lost finale pissed me off so goddamn much: so Kate brings Jack to the church in Los Angeles, the location of Faraday's mother's awesome Dharma pendulum map room of Island prognostication. I was sitting there thinking, fuck yeah, we're going to go back to one of


Or you can build a DIY ring modulator...

BEST TOY EVER! A few pieces of it still survive in a box somewhere.

Sounds kind of like Anathem.

Here's an idea: how about SyFy creates a new show with completely different writers, actors, producers, grips and caterers from the Event, where a planet appears in the sky in the pilot and the characters—who are all totally different from those in the Event—explore it and solve its mysteries.

Damn—only 3 Game of Thrones left? They'd better get the story going.

She was...faking it?

I was also confused by this; I thought it had something to do with the Sontarans.

Back in the day when there was even a rumor of a Playboy in the woods behind our subdivision, we kids would form up shoulder-to-shoulder in search-and-rescue lines and comb the area. Usually the magazine would be rain-soaked and shredded so we'd take it to a tree house for forensic reconstruction. Damn kids today

Yes! You took the words out of my mouth! She totally had a HBC vibe going on, and in a good way.

I was more or less at peace with the show ending—it definitely improved as it went along but never really kicked my ass—but now I wish it were coming back. The idea of picking up 3 years later, changing up the cast and dynamics, especially on Earth, would have been just what this show needed. Although it has to be

Yesterday's Enterprtise is #1!


The zoning laws in most places in the US wouldn't even let you put one of these on your someone else just said in the below comment!

Reminded me of another Moffat Who episode, Girl in the Fireplace. This episode worked well enough.

The whole concert is on McCreary's site here: [] You have to scroll down a ways for the youtube vids. Enjoy.

Now playing

I still prefer the live version; this was an amazing concert!