The same think we do every night Pinky.
The same think we do every night Pinky.
An all male Sex and the City sounds totally rad! You should totally pitch that to Hollywood, the tag line could be 'putting the man back in mani pedi!
Yeah, I'd happily live in Munich, great place that.
I'm half-German and couldn't agree more. My politics are generally further to the left than Ms. Merkel's, but I adore her. She's tough but kind and is such a good role model for young women - AND young men.
Trigger warning: contains reference to not-male human. Reader discretion advised.
Used to do this all the time. I think, anyway. I mean, I don't actually remember doing it so much but then I learned about it and realized "yes. This is something guys do. I'm going to make sure I don't do it anymore." And given how hard I have to try to remember not to do it, I suspect I used to do it a lot. I think…
Um yea. Everybody gets itchy. You know what we do? We fucking deal with it. We expect you to fucking deal with it. Nobody cares about your itchy dick.
fuckin moffat tho
But you're not dead yet!
You're just after my huge....tracts of land? Aren't you?
Witness the violence inherent in the system! Help! Help!
I really wasn't planning to do another Terrible Customer Stories entry any time soon,
This reminds me of the time a few years back when Norway had a severe butter shortage and the Danes would travel there with a shit load of butter and sell it on the black butter market for three times the price. You know, cuz we are good neighbors like that. The Swedes helped.
Damn rape victims not taking notes while being drugged and gang raped!
she was so right, showing that if they FUCKING GAVE A SHIT, they would be across the street helping kids.
I still wish office on-site daycare was a bigger thing. It's such a genius idea worth everyone paying into. I certainly wouldn't mind if my office had one and we all chipped in. Better that than my co-workers calling out cos they don't have anyone to watch the kids.
The real question here is, why didn't he bite the knife. Did he even consider not being stabbed? He should have just done anything except be stabbed by the knife. But no. He had to. He had to be stabbed by the knife.
I've found the clitoris, but my gf still won't tell me where the giant squid is hidden.
My favorite quote from the Cosmo article is the woman who had two daughters —one of whom was in high school!— who became pregnant out of wedlock.
Then, of course, this: "I taught my daughters abstinence. It doesn't mean I've been successful with my first two, but I have three more to go. You hold your breath."