
Yeah... I mean, not counting Lady Jane Grey and Queen Matilda (who should be counted, cause she was a total Medieval badass!) since William the Conqueror, we've had 40 Kings, plus Queen Mary I, Queen Elizabeth I, Queen Mary II (plus William), Queen Anne, Queen Victoria and Queen Elizabeth II. Other than that, they all

That's so cool :D I love Discworld fans XD

Oh yeah, the Night Watch are amazing. Vimes is one of the best characters in fiction, never mind on the Disc! But I have a soft spot for Magrat at the moment cause I just finished playing her in a production of Carpe Jugulum! Like I will always love Monstrous Regiment, partially cause it was my first favourite

Can I just say, I love your name? :P Sounds creepy but.. the witches are awesome!

Christ no! I'd like an entirely new system of govt which shakes apart the "three" major parties and finds people with actual differences of opinion over things like whether it's okay to essentially privatise the schools and hospitals of our country. I wouldn't mind president Caroline Lucas, she's pretty cool, but I'd

I am British and have genuinely managed to avoid the whole Royal baby saga everywhere but on Jezebel! Do you think they'd mind if I "celebrated" both Bastille day and this baby by recreating the French Revolution and overthrowing the monarchy and the Conservative govt.? I wouldn't chop their heads off, I'd just take

My reaction:

Well, his mum did everything for both her grown up sons and her husband and they never even said thank you. I always felt SO sorry for her, especially when my ex said that his parents marriage was long over but she didn't have any real income of her own and didn't want to leave the lifestyle (his dad earned

I dunno if my ex counts but in the literal sense of Man-Child he should! At 18 he had never cooked for himself, never tidied his own room, didn't ever wash up or do his own washing, his mum did EVERYTHING for him! He used to complain like mad if I ever had to help with chores at home because 'can't you just leave

When my middle sister was little (3-4 ish?), she ate rabbit poo in the garden. She had a thing for eating grass (and sitting in the rabbit hutch actually!), spotted the poo and obviously thought it was something else. I still tease her about it, because I am clearly a mean older sister!

I don't trust that 'up in the band, down in the cup size' thing at all! I am a 28H (UK) which means bras are bloody hard to find, so I always shop at Bravissimo cause they're the only ones that take a 28 width up beyond a G in more than one or two styles. One time I had a random fluctuation and went down to a GG,