As a Cubs fan I have to have some affection for Jake despite the Trump stuff, but at the same time I’m glad Boras being Boras finally blew up in his face.
As a Cubs fan I have to have some affection for Jake despite the Trump stuff, but at the same time I’m glad Boras being Boras finally blew up in his face.
Its so completely laughable that you could blame anything on a primary challenger with ACTUAL progressive beliefs as you bemoan the death of the progressive movement.
I’m baffled that anyone can, with a straight face, compare the R&D of Tesla to every other major manufacturer. It’s laughable.
Yeah, I too was confused by the accusation.
PF Changs is preeeetty damn white.
Came for Jezebel’s unique brand of double standard. And Jez did not disappoint!
Will you shut up? I can like this guy only SO much, but this thread just keeps pushing.
Preface: the owners are shitbags and the players, if anything are UNDERpaid as a whole.
I get that you’re joking but I just wouldn’t be ME if I didn’t point out that life isn’t fair and you could just end up demented and sickly very early, for no reason at all.
I’m not disputing plenty of guys are bad at conversation, but in my experience sometimes it’s easy to be thrown off because you can go awhile without getting a response. Then, when you do, suddenly you go blank and you don’t have a lot of reliable icebreakers to get things moving.
Holy shit.
The majority may very well be vegetarian or close to it, but even the minority of India is A FUCKTON.
The comments are so immensely fun.
You think Indians don’t eat goats and chicken???
Tough to dispute that, no doubt.
Title fights almost always pay well. Woodley won’t get a pittance for fighting RDA.
Another problem is everyone in the UFC of any notability at all wants the MONEY FIGHTS ™.