
Dave is definitely laughing his ass off at both sides of this shit. I mean, nothing proves that many of these people haven’t watched this special(or any of his previous ones) like not picking up the troll.

Idgaf about defending Dave, esp bc he doesn’t need defending...but they were literally demanding the special be taken down.

Yeah, this article is definitely more Stupid than anything Stewart said.

That was ...NOT a controversial statement. At all. He even couched it FFS.

I do not listen to Rogan’s show on anything even vaguely approaching a regular basis. I’ll watch some clips on youtube if he interviews someone actually interesting and if it seems compelling I’ll watch the episode.

Came to see if anyone had shared my pedantry. Thank you.

Not really, no.
1) lots of people mock Sony for shitting out half-assed Spider Man movies, and until Marvel Studios came in with the assist they’ve basically been panned.
2) Charlie’s Angels has NOWHERE NEAR the cultural significance of Spider-man, so it’s a very weak comparison. Mission Impossible would’ve been a much

Yeah when I read that they wouldn’t sell cars at all anymore, I thought “I’m no expert but that sounds insanely stupid.”

Maybe consider that your beliefs about both Warren and Bernie are ill informed and wrong?

The Squad is the Democrats only hope of a future, and they’ve been nothing if not principled. Bernie is actually a leftist. Warrens progressive chops have been massively overstated. Mind you, I don’t hate her. She is

And Jones’ reach is insane for any human.

I can taste how much saltier Jon Jones is getting with articles like this. It's great. 

I’m sure there’s plenty of “military veterans” that aren’t terribly intimidating... But the first astronauts we’re mostly test pilots for dangerous experimental aircrafts, and they were signing up to strap their asses onto the top of a gigantic rocket, which realistically, had a VERY HIGH chance of of straight blowing

You sound like the absolute fucking worst. 

What an embarrassing picture. Did they take this while to their kids were playing JV soccer?

Good Lord. I'm not an emotional person but watching him start to crack is a tough one. 

Wow, nothing but crickets.

100%!!! THIS!
When I rewatched the movie as an adult, I couldn’t get over how NOT-AT -ALL different he was from Nicholson’s character in The Departed, aside from an occasional weak ass cackle.

How recently have you watch Burton’s Batman?? My nostalgia for it was strong, but i saw it again recently for the first time in many years and was stunned by how AWFUL Nicholson is in it.

He’s worse than Leto. By far.

But the players are paid BY the owner. This dude is CEO and minority owner.
I guess maybe he won’t receive his pay *AS* CEO, but still seems bizarre.

wait, wait, wait... without PAY?

MLB PAYS the fucking CEOs too? Am I missing something here?