
Well, I felt that the server was projecting a lot onto the kids. She decided they were snobby and she didn't like them, so when the kid was genuinely confused, she interpreted it as malice and disdain. How much of an asshole can the kid be if he ate a burger she describes as "barely edible" without the slightest

"a group of teenagers ... come into town for debate team championships of the world or whatever. These kids knew they were smart, and they knew there was NO SCENARIO in which they'd ever have to serve somebody food as a job..."

I actually wasn't convinced on that one. I felt like the storyteller was reading a lot of malice into that kid's behavior that wasn't necessarily there. She set up the story by telling us about how bratty and entitled they were just because they were coming from a debate team event, without actually giving any

Wow. Your elaboration of your point of view makes you seem crazier than ever. I re-read the entire blog post, and I don't see even a hint of the disdain for Columbia students that you are alleging is present. She didn't mention UCLA at all (that's all you!), so I have no idea how it is you believe that she was

You are not a person who should be criticizing someone else's writing. Your text is nearly incomprehensible.

I didn't like the regular Burt's Bees for that reason, but I've recently been using the Kokum Butter variation, and it's pretty good. I still think I might try something different next winter (we're already finished with the bad chapping season where I live). So it's not like I swear by it or anything, but it's

I didn't like the regular Burt's Bees for that reason, but I've recently been using the Kokum Butter variation, and

I am not bothered by vocal fry at all. I don't even notice it, and I have no idea why it seems to get on some people's nerves so much. According to NPR, vocal fry generally only bothers people over 40.

Well, to be fair, the "familiarity" percentage was equivalent to the percentage who "had an opinion." So some of the respondents may have known who she was, but didn't care, or had a completely neutral opinion. Also, a lot of them could have been 18 year olds, if that helps you sleep.

Doesn't surprise me at all to learn that the Kardashians are always professionals on set. I've never watched their shows, so I don't know what their on-screen personas are like (though I can guess), but you just don't rise so far and maintain it for years by being an unreliable ditz.

That really is the one true blessing of the Kardashians - that they pushed Paris Hilton out of the spotlight. Everything about her face and voice was so annoying, like nails on a chalkboard. Whereas I really don't mind seeing Kim everywhere; she's certainly more visually appealing, and she seems pretty savvy too.

This is perfect. It sets up the expectation that it's going to be yet another variation on the tired complaint, "why does anyone care about these people?", and then it turns it right around.

Well, at least they have a solid rule in place. On American dates, I feel like no one ever has any idea how sincere the other person is being in their offer to pay, unless they snatch up the bill the instant it arrives and hand it directly back to the server with their card.

No, all my male friends complain that the vast majority women still expect the man to pay for dates. Some of my female friends say that they always insist on splitting (or at least offer to split), while some admit that they much prefer it when the guy picks up the tab. Personally, I usually offered to split but

Well, I think it depends on what kind of clothes you're making and what kind of stores you would normally shop in. When I was sewing, I just wanted to make fun, brightly-colored dresses that I could throw together in a couple hours, and I eventually stopped because I realized I could get equivalent stuff cheaper at

You'd "let it do its thing"? I might not have what it takes to strangle a raccoon with my bare hands, but I would sure as hell try to kick it or in some way get it away from me. They may not be Bengal tigers, but they're not hamsters either. A rabid raccoon could certainly tear huge chunks out of you. They kill

Footage of the raccoon was captured by a bystander:

To me, they look like the brushes you use on horses.

One time I loaded the dishwasher, started it, and then left for a week. When I returned a week later, all those dishes were still in the dishwasher. He had just been hand-washing all the dishes he had been using all week.

Yeah, a lot of men seem to believe that if they are doing the "manly" work, like mowing the lawn and fixing things around the house, that makes the housework equal. They don't think about the actual time involved in those respective tasks; cooking and cleaning has to be done every damn day, while mowing the lawn is

My dude hates putting away dishes too! I seriously don't get it, but it's great. He'll do all the hand-washing of pots and pans as long as I always empty the dishwasher.