
Several years ago her boyfriend returned two cats, and she accompanied him to the pet store. Just recently she adopted new kittens.

To add to the age weirdness, the mother is 45 years old. Not impossible to have kids at 42 and 43, obviously, but still surprising.

Rather surprised to see in the source article that the parents are 41 and 45. I expected them to be young parents.

Thanks for this comment. I was feeling really weird about this whole argument, but I found myself unable to form a coherent mental response except, "C'mon, anyone can see it's a fucking baby at some point." The age of consent comparison is apt.

Don't worry. You're not the only pro-choicer deeply uncomfortable with this thread.

Did he actually mean that men hate the make-up, or that they hate the application of make-up while at work? I'm a woman, and I'm not always happy about seeing my coworkers primp for half an hour at work.

I had a great experience growing up as part of a church community. My denomination (UCC) was intentionally chosen by my mom because they are on the very liberal side of things, and my mom didn't hide that she herself was a bit agnostic about the whole thing. The people were very nice, and we had an awesome choir that

That's interesting and hopeful. I still hope she manages to find a way to get far, far away from there as soon as she's well enough to travel.

This was a 75-year study, so it's not surprising that their gendered characteristics seem a little dated. I doubt that the concept of "crazy bitches" was too prevalent in the '30s though.

I'd much rather have a few real friends than a whole crowd of "friends."

I wonder what happened to her after she ran away.


Yup, it happened just earlier this week, corresponding with the anniversary of the liberation. The most cringe-worthy part is that several of the recipients were the sender's direct superiors.

It was strange and inexplicable. It was certainly not related to work in any way, just a "here's something I thought you'd be interested in," and it was sent late in the evening. The only mitigating factor is that this work environment explicitly encourages lots of off-topic socializing among coworkers (I think they

Yes, that is a thing that actually happened. She certainly meant no harm and was aghast to realize she had caused offense ("But I love Jews!"), but it happened.

I had that experience at NYU too, but I think it actually is pretty damaging. Once early in my freshman year, I called that Wellness number to talk about something that was really upsetting me, and they just kept asking me over and over, "Is this making you feel like hurting yourself?" I repeatedly reiterated that I

Yup. My boyfriend actually just used this exact scenario (of selectively sending weight loss tips to heavy people) to explain to a coworker why it was inappropriate for her to send an email about Auschwitz to all the Jews in the office.

That might be part of it. But I think it's also a difference in expectations. If a girl doesn't want to have sex with her boyfriend, the guy thinks that's normal, since he's been taught to expect resistance from women. He thinks he just has to wear her down or wait until she's ready.

The symptoms can be brought on by either physical or psychological causes. I think it's essentially a problem of several distinct conditions being lumped under one label, because they all present in a similar way.

Unfortunately, even a lot of grown women don't have a great understanding of how vaginas work, so don't feel too bad about your earlier misconceptions. I think you are probably right in your assumption that it had happened to her before, rather than that she was a virgin. Girls expect the first time to be awkward