
Good for you. I have the same attitude too; I've broken up with many guys just because after a couple months of "seeing where it goes," it didn't seem to be going anywhere special (on one side or the other). I'm now with a guy who's crazy about me, and I'm just as crazy about him back :)

Thank you. Articles like this almost seem to operate on the premise that cheating is the only bad thing you can do in a relationship, so if you're not cheating, what you're doing must be ok.

"One point to this woman's boyfriend for being caring; minus one point for freaking her out during sex."

Actually reading the article before you start ignorantly making fun of it??!! What are you thinking?

The study was by Men's Health, so I think they were just more interested in men's habits than women's. Just like if Jezebel did a poll, they would probably focus on women. Now, if they had said tried to compare men and women's behaviors, they might have said something sexist, but they didn't feature women at all.

In the other direction, I was once given "The God Delusion" for Christmas. I was fine with it ... until I realized that the gift-giver was under the impression that I was a devoted Christian.

I'm actually pretty impressed by the last one, that he understood what was being said and responded coherently, not just posting "lol" or emoticons in confusion.

Perhaps your female teachers were simply less patient with how you tried to participate in discussions without doing the reading.

I initially missed the part about it being online classes and was very confused about the methods for lying about their gender.

I always assume that people who prefer videos over transcripts must be pretty weak readers, so they actually can't read any faster than the people in the video speak.

Did you just see the name "Ferguson" and get really excited?

I'm really not trying to nitpick, but I would change "do a seminar" to "give a seminar" in the opening line, to make it more clear that you are praising her public speaking. It sort of reads like you think she needs remedial lessons on speaking.

I agree it would be great if there were more space on high school syllabuses made for the writings of people like Frederick Douglas and Harriet Jacobs (I think I read excerpts of Douglas?). But literature is also important, and it is helpful for students to make cross-disciplinary connections between the things they

That's a completely different situation. Mark Twain intentionally used the racial slur to make a point in condemning racism, and his message is weakened when you try to water down his text. Also, Huckleberry Finn is usually read by students who are in middle school or high school, who should be able to handle

I will never understand why some people get so worked up about the fact that self-proclaimed gossip blogs tend to take the more exciting angle when writing their headlines.

I acknowledged that that was the primary issue, so we don't actually disagree on that point. All I did was point out that Mitchell did say something that sounds like she was skeptical of Swift's acting abilities, so it's not like Kate just made up that angle out of whole cloth.

It does seem like that was her primary reasoning, but the comment, 'All you've got is a girl with high cheekbones' seems to be a mild disparagement of the choice of Swift as the actress as well.

I imagine her motivations are a little bit more nuanced that this (probably made up) "source" from the tabloids would have you believe.

"Pearl-clutching" is a common expression for getting worked up with concern for the younger generation.

Actually, proficiency with social media is one of the top skills that employers are looking for these days, and she obviously has a knack for managing a brand. I predict this girl is going to do really well.