
The Ringer fucking sucks. I read that article yesterday. It’s a lot of made up shit & some of the same shit liberals have been saying this entire campaign. But I go to the Ringer & scroll through the articles & maybe 1 out of 50 articles will catch my eye. It sucks.

Now playing

Peak Kimbo right here. This belongs in 240p.

Ugh, so much diving.

Action has resumed. Here is a recent picture:

Give that man a Yeti cooler

Is Chris Christie a Notre Dame fan in addition to being a Dallas Cowboys fan? He’s really THAT fucking guy?

“We’re not big on school.” Oy.

“We’re not big on school. I told my wife, ‘He’s going to learn a lot more useful information in the clubhouse than he will in the classroom, as far as life lessons.’ “

Is this you attempting to type the Wisconsin accent pronunciation of “Badgers?” If so, awesome.

Wisconsin basketball went 40-odd years without an NCAA tournament appearance before Stu Jackson, of all people, brought the Badgers back in 1994. Dick Bennett then brought them to an improbable Final Four as a No. 8 seed in 2000. He then retired only three games into the 2000-01 season, saying he was burned out, and

Fuck you, buddy.

Nice Haisley. Steal my post from the Klinsman thread, keep it in pending and make it your own. Sweet job at Deadspin.

I did once see a workhorse evolved into a jackass.

Moreover, it isn't unique these gamers. The argument against Affirmative Action is based upon it's phantom victims (the white kid at the bottom of the yes pile who gets bumped). #notallmen is a strawman based on the false belief that feminism is blaming all men for bad deeds (missing the whole point). The whole

Oh, the "fake feminists" started it? Not the ex who enlisted a bunch of clowns to attack and vilify a woman based solely on the notion that she'd maybe slept with some guys and those guys may have written about her game? Those people jumped at the chance to excoriate Zoe Quinn and when they rightly got called on their

Having lived exactly that: not like this.

lol wrong take away? This is about how people fight culture wars now and the media's role in legitimizing both sides of an argument as if they're equally valid.

112 grams down the hatch HAHAHAHA something out of a Cheech and Chong movie or super troopers