
I’m not so sure about that. Josh Marshall at TPM has written a lot about this, and he said that even before Google and Facebook devoured most digital ad revenue it was an ultra-competitive space with falling rates and too many fish in the pond. Relying on digital ads was always going to be shaky for any operation

I think the issue has a couple parts:

I hope they send these smug little shits to work in a Nike factory in Asia. Let them spend the rest of their childhood stitching sneakers.

Wyman’s been writing about MMA for years, and it still blows my mind how easily he gives into simple narratives as opposed to obvious truths. It’s true that DC is more of a “grinder” than Jones, but DC is a freakish athlete in his own right and is not some talentless meat-blob who has only accomplished what he has

Racism? At an Indians game?

The thing about shit-talking Waiters is that sometimes they spit in your food.

The person in the office has no respect, so Fuck that.

Second-place finishers generally don’t go to the White House, Trump’s own experience notwithstanding.

There’s really nothing remarkable here. Lots of athletes take time out of their schedule to visit retarded children.

Welllllll... as Phil Jackson defines the Triangle Offense, it gets a bit more complicated, because basically every player is handed a decision tree.

I mean, how are you even getting this? His carefully-cultivated public persona is “petty asshole.”

“Kirby Puckett just seems like a great dude.”

The fact so many people dislike Russell Wesbrook absolutely baffles me. We have an athletic freak the likes of which we’ve only seen a handful of times in the league, and he really, really cares about winning. On top of that, he seems interesting and thoughtful, and dresses in ways you wish you could if you didn’t

Alternate solution: fight to the death, so we don’t have to take the personal safety of fighters too seriously.

To be fair, I don’t think I would ever play golf without a cart. How the fuck am I going to carry a case of beer and a golf bag?

Man, if only someone, say in the press or maybe even the government, could spend some time investigating these Clinton characters. Maybe then we could finally get to the bottom of this thing.

Shit, my bad. I thought the header image had Embiid in it, too. I guess all old white people/young black people look alike to me.