Deadspin is responsible for making me both a better person and a worse person
Deadspin is responsible for making me both a better person and a worse person
My favorite album so far this year
Huh, I did not expect things to go down that way. That kid still came off as a douche, unless that's you. Then it was hilarious and I enjoyed it.
Oh for sure. I don't know if you guys still do these judgment call articles, but is this the smart time to eat the weed?
I actually don't think you can refuse a search of a dorm room (or at least that was what I was told when I was in college). Still, maybe don't sell weed out of a spot where you're likely to get caught and forfeit certain rights?
I've been on an MTV Spring Break youtube run to relive the early 2000s/middle school years. Slightly before my time, but I now know what I'd do if a time machine were ever invented.
Does anyone know why there are no mentions of Milwaukee? They're in the process of replacing the Bradley Center and hockey is sort of important up in those parts.
I know some people that used Chantix and it seemed to help. I've never been a smoker, so unfortunately I can't offer anything up.
I got challenged, and I plan on doing it, but not challenging anyone else. My friends had an interesting way of doing it, where they add a new challenge on top of it as they pass it along so I'm going to try to:
What's the most ridiculous thing you have ever thought of or about in the middle of a fight?
Good read. This was a really solid, even fight, and I was glad it went 5 for both of these guys. That said, their walk-up music game was super weak.
So I'm a male reading this post. Though I am not a target, I would like to assure you that I am appalled by what these guys are saying and am usually sympathetic to the sentiments of this comment section (I generally hang out on Deadspin).
Hyden wrote an article about how Eric Church could save Rock 'n Roll. He's bad. Enough said.
The results prove Mark Sanchez is just as bad at drafting as the Jets were in 2009 when they got him.
Also, here is the Darkside set if you haven't listened to it. I don't really have an opinion on it yet.…
Did you have any problem with the fact that the Disclosure set wasn't really mixed? I liked their intro version of "When A Fire Starts to Burn" but I wished they would have "kept things going" so to speak. Then again, I just listened to a recording and didn't get a feel on the atmosphere.
I agree. One of my favorite things is when he has an apt pop culture to sports crossover. Some can feel a bit forced at times (like the 30 team/beach house club), but he has just as many good ones (Kobe/Teen Wolf).
Thanks, this makes me feel like less of an insensitive prick for judging the way someone else responds to tragedy. Keep posting those recipes!
On the first part, I really enjoy Bill Simmons too, but in the last couple years he has had a problem "staying in his lane" to use a term he used to throw around in the podcast. I really enjoy him on the NFL, NBA, and most podcasts. He has a great assortment of characters that come around, and I will probably keep…