the best way to get around it, we found, was to poke a hole in it
the best way to get around it, we found, was to poke a hole in it
He should have gone in as Malcom's Dad
Braun is probably more concerned with the "without pay" part than he is with the missed games. You know. Because he's, uh, because that's a lot of money.
Selig is going to melk the hell out of this.
Boston is home to a generally amoral and disgusting fanbase on the whole but this...this goes beyond the pale.
What a coincidence, Jim Carrey among a group that has had recent struggles stringing hits together.
With a simple generous act, Carrey creates a lifetime team memory for the entire bus-load of kids. Nice.
Starred for using "son" in your response. This makes me happy. Your video is mis-titled, however. It should read "Steve Young Tries Several Times to Fall Down, Fails. Many Vikings Demonstrate in Effort to Teach Him." #somethingsomethingbookofmormanIdon'thaveit
"Racist? Nah, the Sentra is way too slow."
Daniel Snyder is already on the phone with this guy.
It's a good thing Lance wasn't there. He'd be in for an asslicking.
You forgot the most important ingredient of any successful date, chloroform.
It would've been nice of the driver to Trotsky on over to the fallen comrade first.
American judge: 10
It's clear to me that this is more of a referendum on the lack of infrastructure in Russia, and that this motorcyclist simply didn't know how to drive. To me, it appears as though the motorcyclist is trying to get back in the right lane, he was just lenin in the wrong direction.
After reviewing this footage several times, I don't believe the motorcyclist was trying to be an asshole and brake-check the car driver. It appears he was having trouble shifting. If you look closely at 0:10, you can see the bike Stalin.
"You're all right, Rob Ryan."
It's Monday morning and the work week ahead seems infinite. It's not though, and you should be glad because…
What a pair of complete idiots. I mean, that's just a total lack of awarenesof about things. Who even does that? They must have to know the consequences of this kind of action and how bad it can look. I mean, come on, these "Free" hats always require some sort of credit application, which will totally ruin your credit…
Not Everyone Is Turning Their Backs On Aaron Hernandez