So he’s pretty much all but confirmed he’s playing Black Bolt, the king of Inhumans. While he can technically talk, it’s just even him whispering will produce powerful sonic shockwaves.
So he’s pretty much all but confirmed he’s playing Black Bolt, the king of Inhumans. While he can technically talk, it’s just even him whispering will produce powerful sonic shockwaves.
I still remember the trick with my 9 times table with my fingers. That one rules.
Has there been a compilation yet of video game customer horror stories here? Around Christmas season, I’m sure many ex and current employees have some examples.
I want to see Nephilim (Or ‘Abomination’) Bear and his na’at
If I could, I’d star this several more times. That was my answer as soon as I read the title. I didn’t even open the article and I already knew the answer lol.
Exactly. Especially that of this asshole:
Do we really need to discuss this?
Pretty much all decisions made in this.
Yeah, eyeballs-in-hands dude ruined my life.
I was caught off guard by the wine bottle more than anything. It bugged me more than such a scene normally would.
I hate to admit that the first two times I watched this movie I fell asleep (I was working 80 hour weeks) and BOTH TIMES I ended up WAKING UP during the wine bottle scene. That is something awfully horrifying to wake up to.
High Tension...Aside from a horrible plot twist, the movie (up until that twist) was brilliantly brutal and disgusting.
This makes me so happy. Now I just need the Ice Climbers back.
You have more dollars on that diet but a less satisfied life.
I saw this at a press screening earlier in the week, so I guess I disagree that it's a bad movie ultimately. Moreover it's just that Blomkamp asks too many questions than he can answer. Which is the 'LOST' school of script writing.
Amazing world building and design through and through. Also lets not suggest Peter…
Can't be worse than Elysium. (And that was pretty watchable even if the script was shit) I will still give it a shot.
yeah, that one's actually my favorite because of the Moebius-y style, but it doesn't work in context unless she's been stuck someplace without her armor for a while and needed to gear up.
yeah, i mean some of the redesigns make a lot of sense (red sonja or Tarna the defender, and their armored bikinis)
I think it's just supposed to be foreshadowing Tyrion's inevitable alliance with Danaerys — it's not a literal scene from the show.
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