
For me, it is less about the time I put into the game and more about my enjoyment. It seems pretty narrow to say 2 - 3 hours of gameplay is not worth x amount of money even if you loved the game. Does that mean a developer that makes a game that you can play for a hundred hours should charge more than 60 dollars? For

Please clap.

I think that’s an issue with gamers expecting video game stories to be to-the-point, everything spelled out for them, and neatly tied up with a ribbon at the end.

........Was there any hype to begin with?

This I know. I was a freshman in undergrad when it released.

I don’t mind the wait, but seeing it on the “released” list twice now is a little obnoxious. I can just as easily go play my PSX copy, or the PSN copy I put on my PS3, but after VI, IX is my favorite FF, and I’d like to see what they did with it on PC (mostly

this is fucking great!

K/D ration is the worst thing about gaming.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with telling Seahawks fans to suck it.

Has there been a compilation yet of video game customer horror stories here? Around Christmas season, I’m sure many ex and current employees have some examples.

This makes me so happy. Now I just need the Ice Climbers back.

Why was pre ordering Battlefield 4 a bad thing?....oh right you must be on console instead of the true home of Battlefield. so sorry

I posted this comment elsewhere, but it's worth noting that even with Tattooine as Vader's home planet, it still makes sense. His Mom died here, and shortly thereafter any innocence he had left when he slaughtered all those sand people. It was his home as he grew up as a slave. It's the single last place in the galaxy

I understand and appreciate your sentiments but I think you're doing a huge disservice to hyenas. They're actually very good hunters. And of course they're going to go for a weak animal, that's how it works. Calling them shitty, opportunistic, cheap shot assholes is kind of dumb and anthropomorphic.

Sarkeesian makes pretty good points. Writers and directors should do better than what they've been doing. However, I'm reluctant to say that violence against any single group of people should be removed from creative work since that has the potential to shut down a vein of narrative. I mean sure, "imagine better

In the next Zelda game. If Zelda mentions losing her father early or something, I make no promises about not crying.

Waah, I'm sad that the Warcraft story continued after WC3 so everything else is dumb and stupid, waah!

Japanese TV, weather broadcasts, and conspiracies?

I guess she couldn't.....SAVE FACE.