
Given the tools, players will always find the least fun way to play a game

Personally, I don’t necessarily want Pokemon to be more grown-up, I want it to be more ambitious. They haven’t fundamentally changed in 25 years except to add bells and whistles, and they seem pretty relaxed to stick with it.

She does go on to explain that if she sells the property in the future for the same price, she’ll owe taxes on that $3 million again. But until that day, she’s basically getting an interest-free loan from the government.

So, approaching the Remaster, I remember loving Wrex and Garrus, but found it weird that I barely remembered them from ME1.

Now playing

What’s really missing is Chris Pratt voicing Chris Pratt and saves Chris Pratt from Chris Pratt and Chris Pratt.

Unfortunately DC has already done that with Mark Hamill.

The more you learn about the stock market, the more it’s clear that that shit is entirely fiction

I mean, it’s hard to see if they have the same spark when the most recent new game released by the studio was Overwatch - 5 1/2 years ago.

Hearthstone expansions, WoW expansions, D2 Remake.. they don’t let developers shine with new ideas.

Overwatch 2's new direction has been criticized (rightly or not), and now with

This is the take.

Seriously, I was like

Because camera shake is more than just weapon recoil. Take, for example, how the player camera might shake while running, or in a car crash, or if an explosion goes off near you.

I mean, I don’t think that the developers intended for it to work this way, so yeah, I’d say it counts as an exploit

I feel like the really important takeaway from this how fucking empty these states are and how insane it is that they get so much fucking representation.

The takeaway here is that those five states have really small populations. I propose that they each be eaten by whatever state borders them.

Yeah no offense intended to this game or the devs, but really the only reason you’d think this is better than Dread is if the story speaks to you on a personal level, which it’s probably not going to for most people.  I’m glad trans people are being represented and that media like this exists for them.  It just does

I used to think that. Turns out it’s better to compost with the rich and eat from the garden it supports.  But totally feel the sentiment.

Yeah, Tim Sweeney is right, much better for society to have a few people hoarding most of the wealth while doing next to no work. Hoarding amounts of money so vast that they can’t possibly ever even spend a tiny fraction of it, while millions of their fellow citizens are struggling to find their next meal and pay

Eat the Rich, TBH.

C suite pay should be based on a formula against other pay at the company. Like x% of average non-management pay, salary and hourly both counted 

Depends on company size too.  But the reward metrics should not be tied nearly has heavily towards profit, but instead to other company health metrics..  and performance metrics based on profit should reward all employees.

If the president of the United States gets paid $400k, a CEO can take less.