
I’m dubious on this. Total home energy use only supposedly accounts for 10.9% of carbon emissions, and video gaming supposedly only accounts for 2.5% of that (from OurWorldInData and a study on video game carbon footprints that’s paywall locked supposedly from The Computer Games Journal). What you’re talking about is

If anything, it’s like he’s disappointed to realize he just revealed his secret to the world.

I dunno how long registration was open for, but it was at least 24 hours the first time. You slept through an entire day? Twice?

Sounds like they just got a crash course in consequences and taking responsibility. Maybe they’ll wake up long enough to fill out the online form, or whatever other five minute task it is to

The smash community doing what it do best

Kinja does need to be fixed though!

You will not find a bigger oxymoron than “for-profit healthcare”.

Call me crazy but maybe it’s time we start electing the politicians that say “healthcare is a human right” instead of the politicians that tell us Medicare For All is pie in the sky.

Wouldn’t it have made more sense if this was an NBA Jam style basketball game?

Half their ideology is built around looking the same

Comment posted too quickly for me to have read article in entirety. Condescending sentence calling out author for not including piece of information clearly detailed in paragraph 4 of the story. Follow-up referencing tangential or entirely unrelated fact betraying a shallow understanding of the topic based on half a

Reply that tells you you’re an idiot without actually saying it, and at the same time spouts off information as fact that is really just my unfounded opinion.

Comment reply that disagrees with the original comment due to a misreading of a clause in the original comment, but angrily so.

Comment that contradicts author’s post but in a passive-aggressive way to seem edgy, but really I’m just fishing for upvotes and hoping people will respond so I can call them out and spit vitriol at them.

They’re not so much pro-birth as they are anti-choice. 

I appreciate the analogy with book translations. I always hesitate with this topic because it can become toxic quickly so let me be clear I’m by no means a “get gud” gatekeeper and I don’t care if people want to turn on God mode Dark Souls or whatever makes them happy.

The Investor Class whining about the pay of the Executive class is—pardon the pun—fucking rich.

“Sry [sic] to be mad because I lost the most important match of my life,” he tweeted responding to a fan’s critique.

All I’ll say is DoA3 and Halo were probably the Xbox games I played the most those first few years of its life. Nothing beat pulling off Ryu’s ridiculously-long-input pile driver combo. Of course the real answer is Soul Caliber. Tekken and VF be damned!

Absolutely intentional dig

Let’s be real here

I think the article should be amended to include Devil May Cry 5, Alexandra, Chingy.