
I made an account specifically because of this post. Growing up as a queer man in the south I often had people treat me poorly that I hated. I hoped they spent eternity in pain for the pain they unjustly caused me. As I grew older and realized some of the behaviors I exhibited later in life I wanted to change or

I dunno, I’m playing through Andromeda again right now, and despite it all, I’m enjoying it for what it is.

Can we stop with the shitposts?

Maybe next time, Twitch can hire Galactus to hold up its servers.

It sounds like a form of meditation oddly enough.


I am really frightened and disgusted by people that say “it’s time to come together”, “let’s heal the nation” and other weak “both sides” nonsense. Trump’s large minority of fascist/republicans are willfully ignorant and are quite frankly, evil in their intent. They don’t care that innocent people are murdered in the

Boil it all down to willful stupidity.

Surely if anything how Florida voted against Biden for being a “socialist” despite being centre-right in quite a number of regards yet then voted for a $15 min. wage, literally socialist market interference, show’s the problem is all about one of presentation and not policy which is something that seemingly all wings

Wait, you can fly and go in space now in warframe??? amn I have been out of the loop. Maybe I need to try it again XD

Normally, I’d be like “grumble grumble corporate greed capitalism exploited workers etc” (especially at Nintendo, generally regarded as one of the more gulag-like workplaces in greater Seattle, as they exploit every loophole in labor law to screw their lower-end workforce in customer service, data entry, accounting,

“It’s not just that we can be better, it’s that we have to be better. We’re not good enough right now.”

Last I checked, our military budget is literally bigger than the military budgets of the next eleven highest spending countries COMBINED.

I forget who it was, but somebody in the games press said it on Twitter when Kotaku kept posting nothing-articles about Dr Disrespect, because the articles were just variations on “Dr Disrespect banned from Twitch, doesn’t know why” over and over: you don’t always have to write the article. And if you do write the

I for one am just shocked to find out that yet another conservative is a sociopathic shit that represents the worst of humanity.

I’m just so extremely surprised. How can this POSSIBLY keep happening? How can we keep getting confirmation of that fact? It’s just boggles the mind I tell you!

They believe in freedom - specifically their freedom, and if that tramples on someone else’s freedoms, well, too bad!

If you care about a game and are willing to go and spam dislike some random dude on the internet because you cant play it for 3 minutes, it’s stupid.

There’s definitely a common denominator when it comes to the Republican party and the absolute worst of humanity being attracted to it.

He is what every 11 year old aspires to be when they turn 13.

Ah yes, conservatives. The folks who champion personal responsibility until that responsibility is “don’t be a prick.” Then it’s everyone else’s fault for being annoyed or upset at their behavior.