
Yeah, I seriously cannot get why anyone would defend NT after they went full Japanophobe just to piss people off. And I ESPECIALLY don’t see how anyone could defend them after their GDC presentation where the art director for the game went on a weird homophobic, Japanophobic tirade. And to top it all off, he used

It was kind of exactly that. Being able to see the big numbers and good grade ranks fly up for pulling off simple, big damage combos felt good, which I think is one of the game’s biggest strengths, and personally why I think it’s better than DMC2. The demon weapons impact with a great sense of weight and power, and

makes you almost miss iceblock.

In the super secret ending the truck slams on its brakes and slides to a stop.

I would say the ultimate metric is this: do people remember it? And the answer to that is “not really,” as it’s largely been forgotten. It doesn’t even really have a respectable and dedicated cult following or was rediscovered and reexamined like Dragon’s Dogma, Earthbound, or Valkyria Chronicles. It just came and

Remember Wednesday when I said everyone should join a union?

Well seems like you are on an island all your own on this one.

I was going to say how much I agree with Nerfnow, but then I got interrupted

It’s okay, we didn’t need those newfangled comics anyways. Back in *MY* day, we had REAL webcomics! Like Bob and George, the Bad Boys of Computer Science, Bruno the Bandit, Adventurers!, Checkerboard Nightmare, and Doctor McNinja! And we couldn’t just log in to read them, like you lazy kids today! No, if we wanted to

Awkward Zombie always does the best Smash comics. The classic Roy ones were some of the best web comics I’ve ever read.

He doesn’t even play Hearthstone, man. He has no idea what’s happening with the game and hating just for it’s own sake.

My thinking is almost the exact opposite of Fahey’s, actually. WoW adding a group finder made gearing up for the actual endgame content of raids so much easier, because I didn’t have to bother my guildmates into running a dungeon, inevitably not have one of our tanks online, post in trade chat for half an hour, fly

Reggie has been doing this a long time. He's marketed weak lineups, he's marketed strong lineups. He's done thousands of interviews, live streams, and stage shows. To my memory, he's never slipped up ONCE. He lets nothing slip, he doesn't break composure. He's a pro.

It is absolutely fascinating to hear Reggie being interviewed by just about anyone these days. He comes off as sincere, and is a masterclass of deflection and changing the conversation. He’d make a great politician.  

So here’s why I bought Destiny 2 but not Forsaken:

Probably has something to do with the fact that they turned a $60 game into a $140 one with 3 expansions. Who fuckin thought that would work again?

This completely makes me foam at the mouth in anger.

I’m white, born and raised south of Boston. Had never left the country at the time, but had done very well in school with various foreign languages.

Fast forward to college in Orlando, Florida and I was working at a Tex-MEX restaurant, and I would try and speak

I had to once again roll my eyes at the ultra conservatives, religious being afraid or guilted by acting on their sexual desires. I totally understand respect people who want to “save themselves” for marriage, but to not have any clue about your menstrual cycle or seeing an OBGYN is simply ridiculous.

Dang it, X-Com 2.

He probably doesn't either.