
And how would making the boss skippable be preferable to just making it easier?

Now that would be some interesting game design, sort of like in the Bioware games where the direction of the narrative is altered by the decisions you make.

Because in this analogy (assuming you’re the one skipping the boss fight) you’re the one whose experience is being ruined? And if you’re saying that you don’t care if your experience is being ruined, that goes back to my point, why are you even playing the game yourself and not just watching a playthrough online and

There is a wrinkle to making boss fights optional, however: they often serve as the narrative climax for that section of the game, so being able to skip them is like hitting the Next Chapter button when watching an action movie right at the final showdown. The narrative has been building to this confrontation, and

You wouldn’t believe how thrilled I was that Soul Caliber made a comeback. Tekken may get the spotlight on the competitive scene, but Soul Calibur has always been the better and more interesting franchise.

I don’t envy the position Team Ninja are in. They tried to dial back the fanservice, but got hate for it from the community who play it as much for the waifus and the dress-up as they do for the solid fighting mechanics. So they dialed up the fanservice to make them happy, which gets them no respect from the

They weren’t choosing Tekken over Virtua Fighter, but merely doing so out of necessity once Sega stopped making new fighting games. I mean, what were they going to do, play Dead or Alive? As if.

Oddly enough, I always found that kind of writing worked for Liara, who came across as a dork with no social skills who’s just jumping at the chance to talk about her interests, but not so much for Tali or Wrex. Tali launches into immediate info dumps without much prompting and Wrex comes across as obsessed with the

Infinites are bad.

Interesting how my claims are so appalling yet you’ve largely been unable to demonstrate that they are incorrect, instead hurling a torrent of vitriol at me at every opportunity. Hell, that graph that’s so nice you posted it twice? Most of that lines up with what I’ve been talking about: the people in the OPT are not

But the people pushed there after WWII who did forceful conquest can eat shit.

You can cry “conspiracy” but here’s the Washington Post

Certain right-wing segments of the Israeli state secretly supported Hamas into the 90s in order to undermine the PLO and peace talks, especially anything leftist. Just like America did with ISIS’s precursor, with Al-Qaeda’s precursor, with Cuban terrorists, etc.

The Jewish population has no right to any land and the UN has no right to partition it since it’s not theirs to give.

Ah, right on schedule. Thanks for the videos, both of which demonstrate my point about Israelis being radicalized.

“Society and, particularly, the media have gone to great lengths to frame this as a ‘complex conflict’ between Israel and Palestine where both sides are to blame,” they said, “rather than the straightforward ethnic cleansing, settler colonialism, and apartheid it really is.”

The plot twist is that it was actually really good, probably one of the best co-op experiences out there, and got a ton of free DLC support (free! In an EA game!!). Making it tied into getting the best ending in the campaign was an incentive that, in hindsight, the mode never even needed.

There were likely additional iterations from that original concept art; even in the first game, what little of her facial features you can see through Tali’s visor are noticeably different from that concept.

Fuck Miranda: I may not like her very much, but she has some good character growth over the series and...come on, it’s hard not to get distracted by the

I’m quite satisfied with the way my original playthrough went down, so I have no qualms about repeating it this time: