Oh, haha, no, that would be a weird comparison to make.
Oh, haha, no, that would be a weird comparison to make.
I wish.
It is, frankly, disgusting that after all these years, with all these metrics to show that our extremely lax gun laws are responsible for the drastic disproportionate gun deaths compared to the rest of the world, there is still a significant unwillingness to give up our guns. Even worse, a violent defensiveness when…
You’re not wrong per se, but I don’t think that’s what he was talking about: he meant more that the emotional impact of the match for them wasn’t simply that one got the license and the other didn’t, it’s that they were friends facing off with each other over it. Gen’s joy is tempered by knowing not just that his…
You and CM Allen are both right on this in different ways. While it’s a bit unfair to say “gamers are hypocrites”, because we’re not a monolithic entity, it is true that the people who do whine need to exercise more patience and awareness of the process. By the same token, delays happen just as often due to…
Who could have possibly imagined that when you take care of your employees, pay attention to things like their morale and stress, and treat them like more than just nameless, faceless resources, than just the product of their efforts, those efforts actually produce better results and last longer? That it’s actually…
I was going to make a similar comment, but you summed it up pretty succinctly.
YMMV, but I and many others with a critical eye for game design feel that Destiny as a complete package it is far from good enough. It retains that Halo polish to the feel of its gunplay, certainly, but so much else about the game is severely lacking.
That’s just the thing, it’s not impossible and Destiny isn’t unchallenged. See, there’s this game out there called “Warframe”...
Because much of what you describe- the grind, the slot machine, the alleged repetitiveness- are present in most MMOs and hardly unique to Destiny. Those things that are unique- gameplay, narrative, character customization, build flexibility, variety of content- have all been done and generally done better in other…
To me the writing was on the wall; this is just the kind of stuff that happens whenever Bungie gets too big for their britches.
That’s exactly my point. Focus on individual pieces and it seems great...until you step back and look at the whole package.
It definitely has its place in history as the first game of its kind in the mainstream market (since Warframe came out sooner but didn’t get much attention for a few years) and the metric that others get measured against. But it’s just sad that instead of being the standard for excellence like it should have/could…
Have you ever played another MMO before or since Destiny?
They definitely leveraged all their experience making Halos to deliver some finely-polished gunplay, but it’s nearly everything else about the game that stumbles repeatedly.
It is the pinnacle of mediocrity. Nearly everything the game does well is marred by something it does poorly, every high point in its history marred by the controversies surrounding it. It’s not the worst thing ever, but it is far from greatness.
You can describe Destiny in 2 words: unfulfilled potential. It had a pedigree that should have guaranteed greatness, an opportunity to deliver what had not yet been done before (a full-fledged MMO designed for consoles instead of ported over from PC) and sky-high aspirations. But endless development snafus,…
Right? The colors clash, but it also makes them stand out more and the pauldrons look like a drawback but they help to make the suit look a little bulkier and more solid as a result. Hell, even the fact the she technically only has one hand, her right arm is permanently “holding” a gun, but that permanence also adds a…