A Minecraft server fits all of those descriptions.
A Minecraft server fits all of those descriptions.
You’re now moving the goalposts from a persistent world (which Minecraft servers have) to a universally shared developer-created world
It actually does have a tuorial for beginners, the quest called Vor’s Prize, but depending on when you made your account, you might not have automatically started it.
While there are certainly a lot of things to wrap your head around, if you take things one step at a time, it’s a fairly straight-forward game, especially with a lot of the changes they’ve made over the years. Take player progression for example. Before, you just roamed from around the map without any short-term…
The really hilarious thing about all this? I’ve seen these portal techniques before...10 years ago...in a Warcraft 3 mod. This isn’t some crazy feat of technological wizardry only possible with our modern technology, this is a trick so simple yet so cleverly executed, like the forced perspective tricks in the Lord of…
Seconding that. Warframe is not a game to rush through.
Every criteria you’ve mentioned can apply to a Minecraft server.
Regular attacks won’t contribute to how busted your weapon is, just Combat Arts.
So I feel like we’re reaching the endpoint of this discussion, but first I’ll touch on a couple of specific topics.
You simply said it was flexible. You haven’t justified that statement at all.
Yeah man, they added the quest system when Mirage got added, and it started off as just some sequential missions you could do for specific rewards, and that was neat but nothing too special.
You’ve asserted your definition. You haven’t justified it beyond “Because I say so.
So hold on, you seem to be having some difficulties with reading comprehension. A lot of your reasoning here I’ve already addressed, yet you seem not to have noticed.
There are plenty of MMO’s that don’t have all, or even any, of the characteristics you listed. Aside from raids, all you’ve really done is describe RPG’s, not MMO’s. And Destiny and Destiny 2 are absolutely lacking that first M; Massively. An instance of WoW can hold hundreds of players. An instance of Destiny…
I’m honestly not sure why Squad Link didn’t get a bigger headline during the reveal. This is the ability to help out other players in different sessions, the potential for this is mind-blowing. During the reveal, they cited the example of “you know when you go into a Survival mission and Lotus talks about ‘a lone…
This actually isn’t an unreasonable approach. Wait for a sale or login discount token and that $20 can get you a lot of nice stuff to play around with.
Mhmm, mhmm, yes, Destiny wasn’t an MMO. It just had a persistent world, heavy emphasis on multiplayer, dungeons, raids, leveling, loot drops, gearing up, quests and multiple expansions that continued the narrative and added new content. Definitely not an MMO. Glad we cleared that up. In all seriousness, despite the…
Not most of the time, no.
Ohhhh boy, if you haven’t played Warframe since Archwing was added, you absolutely need to come back if only long enough to experience the best thing Warframe has ever added: story quests. Cinematic lore-bombs with fantastic moments and a morality system. Granted, there might be some grinding needed to unlock all of…
Ah yes, this old argument. See, the difference is the titles you named a) aren’t MMOs and b) generally saw significant improvements to the engine in between titles.